Scope And Plurality of South Asian Literature

One function of the newly emerging literature is to challenge and extend the form of literature. Women’s literary writings have contested their marginal position to emerge as a key to literature. The position of women in literature in general and the very relationship between women and literature is a complex one in our culture. Women’s oppression, patriarchy, cultural differences, and the issue of identity are the dominant theme in this short story. To conclude we can say that South Asian Literature in English is, therefore, important and must be encouraged so that our cultures find understanding and recognition in the global context.

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The Rape Victim in India: Section 375 of IPC

Rape is also a crime against women. It is one of the most heinous crimes. India registered 31,677 rape cases in 2021 and lodges 86 rapes daily. And many cases are not being registered just because of the fear of society.

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Legal Laws available against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

As per law in India, sexual harassment violates the women’s fundamental right to life with dignity and right to life under articles 21 and 14&15 respectively. There were no specific laws for curbing sexual harassment in the workplace in India except for certain provisions in certain legislation in IPC like section 294 dealing with obscene acts and songs in a public place, Sec. 354 with assault, sec. 510 dealing with making gestures or uttering words that outrage a women’s modesty. 

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Study of Abortion Laws in India: An Overview

There is an immense need to have stringent laws on abortion that prescribe heavy punishment for wrongdoers. Recent judgments are steps forward to protect the rights of women. No distinction will be made between married as well as unmarried women under the abortion law in India. Although the Indian judiciary has welcomed post-33-week abortions among females stating mother’s choice is Ultimate. The absence of a manner that places women’s choices at the center and a robust law. That lays down detailed procedures for abortions can be felt heavily. Legislation that respects women’s reproductive choices needs to be framed in independent India.

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The Struggle of Being a Women in Politics

‘Women in Politics’ this phrase draws the attention of the whole Indian community for a variety of reasons. Whether it is the patriarchal attitude or a moment of pride. The persistent implication of this term always represents the struggle behind it. India boasts about being the first country in the world to have a female Prime Minister. However, it fails to address its 144th place among 187 countries in terms of female representation in its Parliament.[1]

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Prostitution Laws in Independent India: An Overview

The institution of prostitution is linked to several social issues, including the spread of HIV/AIDS, an increase in drug use, an increase in violence.

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Effects of Covid-19 on World and our Small Households

We see the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on a large scale. We also have to understand it on a small scale. Only medicines don’t prevent us from this virus but one must keep oneself motivated. Now it’s high time to understand the value of nature and time to save it. By our positivity we can defeat any problem very easily, so be positive in activities and your thoughts. 

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Laws and Rights every Woman should be Aware Of | 11 Rights

1 in every 3 women faced some kind of violence but only 1.5% of them have reported it to the police. Thus, merely having laws is not enough unless they come into the knowledge of the person who needs them.

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Women Empowerment in the 21st Century

It feels strange that we have something called “women empowerment” but we don’t have an equivalent of this for men. This proves that women are not as empowered as men, and it shows anywhere and everywhere you lay your eyes on. In some workplaces, women are still not given equal pay as men, when both have the same qualifications and are doing the same work. The hilarious fact is we are living in the 21st century and gender inequality is still prevalent. I have seen the female office goers of my family suffer from this. 

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Tribal Women : Path of Darkness in Illusion of Light

The tribal people are the most vulnerable as they belong to the backward societies that are not privileged with amenities and knowledge. They usually are needy and fly into urban areas by entrusting the traffickers. Women are the special targets, and this is leading to a major portion of Human Trafficking. The exploitation of women is beyond imagination.

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