Globalisation of Climate Change: Impacts on India

Combating climate change-induced disaster risks would require disseminating information. The vulnerability and hazards involve organizations spanning the globe.

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Effect Of Social Sites On The Mental Health Of Youth

Social media has a lot of advantages on its own but the way people use it makes it a bad source which can even disturb our mental health. Adults must take proper care of their children in controlling their usage of social media sites.

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Technology At The Cost Of Environment

Technology At The Cost Of Environment

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Cyber Crime in India and its Prevention

We are living in the digital age and cyberspace is not limited to one’s boundaries. As a result, cyber crime is increasing day by day in all countries including India. The biggest challenge that leads to cybercrime is its dynamic nature because of the ongoing evolution of digital technology. As a result, new cyber crime methods and techniques come into practice. 

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Case Analysis on Shreya Singhal vs. Union of India | IT Act

In the Indian legal system, the landmark judgment SHREYA SINGHAL Vs UNION OF INDIA is extremely important. The basic right to freedom of speech and expression protected by Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution is at issue in this case. The constitutional legality of section 66A was challenged, and the IT Act of 2000 was repealed as a result.

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Recombinant DNA Technology – Betterment of the Society

Recombinant is something formed by combining existing elements in a new combination. So, Recombinant DNA (RDT) referring to an organism created in the lab by adding DNA from another species. If we consider History then in 1973 this technique is successfully done by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen showing that genetically engineered DNA molecules may be cloned in foreign cells.

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Social Media – A Reality or Illusion?

Social media creates a picture-perfect image which everyone wants to see. However, the reality is far different from what is being portrayed. Even though we like, share and comment on the photos posted by our friends and colleagues, however from the inside we tend to feel jealous and envious of them.

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Education only a dream by Marginalized Students during Covid-19

In today’s world, India presents a grave irony by on one hand, making its way to proudly befit the title of ‘IT Superpower’ and on the other hand, presenting rising cases of marginalized students’ dearth of access to online learning and subsequently, the spiraling down of literacy rates.

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Technological Development Relevant to the Future of Growing Startups

In the digital era, marketing your services and products on the web is an established necessity. In the earlier stages, startups shall advance brand awareness to influence clients, but mostly start-ups come across when trying to define required details such as the main target, or the actual grounds of using social platforms.

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