How can reading articles or books be an investment?

According to a study conducted in 2009 at the University of Sussex the researchers were looking into how reading novels of different genres were lowering stress by measuring heart rate and muscle tension.

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Importance of Extracurricular Activities with Academics in Student’s Life

Extracurricular activities are really important for students for their development especially nowadays because there is a lot of tough competition in this world which you compete by indulging in these activities along with your studies. Because books make us mentally strong but for your social life you need to explore yourself. 

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Alarming Suicide Rates in Adolescent

Suicide is often the successor of several health problems, but more commonly, depression. Suicide in adolescents is more common in developing and third-world countries and India is no stranger to this. The National Crime Records Bureau has reported that every hour, one student commits suicide in India.

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Education only a dream by Marginalized Students during Covid-19

In today’s world, India presents a grave irony by on one hand, making its way to proudly befit the title of ‘IT Superpower’ and on the other hand, presenting rising cases of marginalized students’ dearth of access to online learning and subsequently, the spiraling down of literacy rates.

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