What is Corruption? Reasons of Its Explosion in India

keywords – corruption, Indian Politics, Bribery, politics, judicial, economic, society, economic, Benami, transparency Role ‘Corruption’ in our country is not going on from today but for many centuries and it is increasing day by day, […]

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The Rape Victim in India: Section 375 of IPC

Rape is also a crime against women. It is one of the most heinous crimes. India registered 31,677 rape cases in 2021 and lodges 86 rapes daily. And many cases are not being registered just because of the fear of society.

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Globalisation of Climate Change: Impacts on India

Combating climate change-induced disaster risks would require disseminating information. The vulnerability and hazards involve organizations spanning the globe.

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Increasing Corruption: A threat to Indian Politics

Corruption in simple terms can be described as “an act of corruption”. It is defined as the use of public service for private gain in a manner that constitutes a violation of the law or a deviation from the norms of society. 

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Population Growth: A Burden on Society

Population growth today has become a serious matter of concern for the world. The world population has been consistently increasing at an alarming rate. Uncontrolled population growth leads to rapid urbanisation and depletion of resources.

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What is Economic Inequality? The Overview

Keeping economic inequality in check is an uphill battle. Unfortunately, economic inequality has happened in history and is still prevalent today. The richest people and countries are only growing wealthier and the poorest people and countries are growing poorer and poorer every day. 

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Increase in Domestic Violence | Impact on the Society

Domestic violence has existed for a very long time in society but during the last few years it has increased and the reasons are the same which I told you about above. The best way to prove an increase in domestic violence is during a pandemic

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Recombinant DNA Technology – Betterment of the Society

Recombinant is something formed by combining existing elements in a new combination. So, Recombinant DNA (RDT) referring to an organism created in the lab by adding DNA from another species. If we consider History then in 1973 this technique is successfully done by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen showing that genetically engineered DNA molecules may be cloned in foreign cells.

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