A Public Health Perspective on Alcohol & Substance Abuse

the risks of drinking and alcohol-related problems are not merely limited to heavy drinkers. Moderate drinkers who drink occasionally, but in an unsafe environment are also at risk for an alcohol-related problem.

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A Public Health Perspective On Road Traffic Accidents

Over half of all road traffic deaths occur among vulnerable road users. Such as motorcycle riders (23%), pedestrians (22%), and cyclists (5%). With the remaining 31% of deaths occurring among automobile occupants and 19% other unidentified road users.

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Geriatric Health: A Public Health Perspective

However, due to its numerous clinical and social implications and dynamic character, this ageing disease represents a very significant public health

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Impact of Waste Disposal on Public Health

Plastic is also one of the major factors in waste generation. It has various applications such as clothes, food packaging, medical, electronic, bottles, etc. It consists of synthetic polymers, and causes a significant increase in environmental pollution, leading to an environmental burden. Its effects are worrisome. It was estimated that plastic was produced 380 million tonnes in 2018. It has been predicted also by the end of 2050; oceans will be filled with plastics more than fishes. It is killing marine lives. 

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Use of Mobile Technology for Public Health Education Programs | mHealth

Innovation and the spread of mobile technologies to address the priorities of health, has launched a new term called mHealth. mHealth is one of the components of eHealth. According to GOe (Global Observatory for eHealth), mHealth is defined as medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, for example mobile phones, PDAs (personal digital assistants), patient monitoring devices, and other wireless devices.

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