What Is More Important – Our Privacy Or National Security?

In the last several decades, technology has advanced rapidly, and personal privacy has become a major public concern. Technological advancements allow the government to keep a track of all the suspicious activity.

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Uses and Abuses Of Cell Phones

In conclusion, we must admit that there are both uses and abuses of the ambulatory. But mobile plays an important part in the development of our civilisation. It should be used duly or properly. 

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Social Media: Ethics and Privacy

One’s digital footprint can make or breach someone. Unethical behaviour and interactions on social media can have far-reaching implications professionally, socially, physically and virtually.

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What is Hawala and the Related Laws | Problems related to Hawala

Hawala is an ancient system, with its origin dating back to the 8th century in the Indian subcontinent. This was long before more formal traditional western banking system was developed.

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