Yoga Connects us with the Ultimate Source

Yoga liberates us from limited identity. It connects us to the infinite. Regular practice of asanas enlightens us. We realize that we are infinite. It connects to our true self which is love, peace, and the source of all positivity. We become happy, healthy, harmonious, and holistically abundant through yoga. We start spreading happiness, peace, and spiritual awareness.

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The Relationship Between Bullying and Development

School bullying affects the victims, bullies and bystanders negatively. It affects their academic, social, emotional, mental, and psychological functioning as well as physical health. Psychological and physical problems arising from bullying may extend well into adulthood.

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Mental Health in Virtual Era | Digital Media

The pandemic has highlighted the significance of digital and virtual mental health, which might have given our mental health systems a lifeline. By using lessons from the pandemic, we can greatly address the long-lasting problem of poor access to mental health treatments by increasing and using digital technologies and virtual care. In critical terms, digital technologies and virtual treatment will enable us more Americans than ever to successfully fulfill mental health needs.

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