Legal Laws available against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

As per law in India, sexual harassment violates the women’s fundamental right to life with dignity and right to life under articles 21 and 14&15 respectively. There were no specific laws for curbing sexual harassment in the workplace in India except for certain provisions in certain legislation in IPC like section 294 dealing with obscene acts and songs in a public place, Sec. 354 with assault, sec. 510 dealing with making gestures or uttering words that outrage a women’s modesty. 

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Cyber Crime in India and its Prevention

We are living in the digital age and cyberspace is not limited to one’s boundaries. As a result, cyber crime is increasing day by day in all countries including India. The biggest challenge that leads to cybercrime is its dynamic nature because of the ongoing evolution of digital technology. As a result, new cyber crime methods and techniques come into practice. 

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Rights of Senior Citizens In India

Rights of senior Citizens in India

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