CAA : For or Against the spirit of Indian Constitution?

On 11th december, 2019, the government passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, Which received rage in all forms of media such as print and television as well as a series of public protests. Shaheen Bagh (Delhi-Noida border) witnessed hefty protests which towards the end became violent resulting in public and private property damage.

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Bluster broke out in Pakistan’s Punjab Assembly

According to Pakistan media, PTI law-makers threw “lotas” at Dost Mohammad Mazari attacked him and pulled his hair despite the presence of security guards.

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Revised Promotion Policy for students | CBSE classes 9th and 11th

On March 11 the Directorate Of Education of Delhi (DOE) issued a circular announcing the extension of its promotion policy of 2021. The policy ensures promotion of all the students of classes 9th and 11th based on cumulative performance throughout the year.

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Laws and Rights every Woman should be Aware Of | 11 Rights

1 in every 3 women faced some kind of violence but only 1.5% of them have reported it to the police. Thus, merely having laws is not enough unless they come into the knowledge of the person who needs them.

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Principle of Fair use in Copyright Law | Applicability in India

Fair use of copyright means a person can reuse the copyright-protected product under some exceptions, without getting permission from the original creator of the product.

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CLS-NLUO Brings a Credit Course For Law Students

CLS endeavours through the course of its activities to foster awareness about the subject and its importance.

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Is Reservation a violation of Article 14?

Reservation is a policy designed to redress past discrimination against lower classes and minority groups through measures to improve their economic & educational opportunities. Reservation is an attempt to promote equal opportunities.

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Euthanasia: The Quandry of Induced Quietus

The justification of this practice is debated until today. It is an especially sensitive topic because it deals with the ultimate unavoidable, irreversible occurrence – death. In many countries, direct euthanasia is even forbidden. Despite its importance, participants are often misinformed and confused.

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What Is The Difference Between Culpable Homicide And Murder?

The difference between Culpable Homicide and Murder. Murder and Culpable Homicides though overlapping, are different concepts. Murder is a specialized or conditional form of culpable homicide.

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What Is Cryptocurrency? | Future Money Or Hoax?

The history of Crypto-currencies can be traced back to (another) tumultuous time during the 2008 financial crisis when the trust in financial participants, such as banks and government institutions, was sharply waning. Hence, the introduction of bitcoin as a currency that had trust as its very foundation, because of how it functions, took place.

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