Law: Tools of Legal Research

In conclusion, the availability of various tools has significantly transformed the landscape of legal research. These tools offer legal professionals a wide array of resources, advanced search capabilities, data analytics, and collaboration platforms to conduct efficient and effective research. The use of online legal databases, research platforms, digital libraries, legal citators, analytics tools, legislative trackers, secondary legal sources, writing and citation tools, court websites, and legal research communities has revolutionized the way legal professionals gather information, analyze legal authorities, and stay updated with the latest developments.

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Workplace Bullying and Harassment- All you need to know

Bullying and harassment are different terms but look similar. Bullying can be about body shaming, comments, race shaming, gender shaming but harassment means exploding in some real manner. 

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What Is More Important – Our Privacy Or National Security?

In the last several decades, technology has advanced rapidly, and personal privacy has become a major public concern. Technological advancements allow the government to keep a track of all the suspicious activity.

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Human Rights Origin In the West

The concept of human rights is innate with the very origin of the human race. Human beings by virtue of their very existence possess certain rights that are inherent to them.

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Is the crime rate reduced after applying laws?

What is a crime in law? Why are laws important? Does the Law prevent crime? Is the crime rate reduced even after applying constitutionally based laws?

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Constitutional Amendment: Process and its Abuse

The Constitution of a country is the fundamental law of the land. The basis on which all other laws are made and enforced. It has been described as a “superior or supreme law” with “perhaps greater efficiency and authority”, and “higher sanctity” and more permanence than ordinary legislation.

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Social Security Legislations In India

Social security was established as a basic human right in the ILO’s Declaration of Philadelphia(1944) and its Income Security Recommendation,1944. The right is upheld in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966.

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Committee Reports – Everything you need to know!

this article talks about the various parliamentary committees, their functions and committee reports as source of interpretation of statutes while discussing their evidentiary value as decided by the court of law in various cases

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Anti-Conversion Laws In India | Faith against Agenda

The Conversion Prevention Act is a state-level regulation that promotes religious freedom. Laws that are specifically concerned with the regulation of involuntary conversion.

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Digitization Of India | Make in India

Digitization is defined as the socio-economic changeover  that arose from  the wide acceptance of digital technologies to produce, process and  circulate information.

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