Role of Media in Indian Politics

Informing the public about the government’s policies and activities is one of the media’s main functions in Indian politics.

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Uses and Abuses Of Cell Phones

In conclusion, we must admit that there are both uses and abuses of the ambulatory. But mobile plays an important part in the development of our civilisation. It should be used duly or properly. 

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Social Media: Ethics and Privacy

One’s digital footprint can make or breach someone. Unethical behaviour and interactions on social media can have far-reaching implications professionally, socially, physically and virtually.

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Cyber Crime in India and its Prevention

We are living in the digital age and cyberspace is not limited to one’s boundaries. As a result, cyber crime is increasing day by day in all countries including India. The biggest challenge that leads to cybercrime is its dynamic nature because of the ongoing evolution of digital technology. As a result, new cyber crime methods and techniques come into practice. 

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Hate on the Social Media Platforms | Laws on Hatred

Spreading hate on the social media is kind of common nowadays. Actually, I don’t know what would be the reason behind it. It may be people are just trying to get attention for themselves, or it may be there are a lot of people out there who are just looking to get amused or they might genuinely hate some people for various reasons.

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Social Media Platform: A Connection or an Isolation

We need to realize that social media is just a part of our lives and there is no harm in using it. But there should be a time limit till we use such platforms. We need to live in the real world instead of the mobile world.

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Cyberspace and Internet a Blessing or a Curse?

We can say that cyberspace and internet are good servants and bad masters. If one uses Cyber-space & Internet wisely, he can attain a lot of knowledge & happiness as well as success in life but if he doesn’t know how to operate it, he can face great loss. We can consider Cyber-space an ocean, if one knows how to swim he can survive otherwise he can’t. After all, I want to say Cyber-space & Internet are neither blessing nor curse; it’s a good handy helper.

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Impact of Advertisements on the Younger Generation

In the modern world, with the widespread impact of social media among the youth, advertisements are at an all-time high reaching equally high to the audience. Advertisements have become a part of the daily life of the youngsters and they have gotten used to being bombarded with several advertisements during the course of their day.

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“Social media is inherently a Selfish Medium”

The advent of the Internet has given birth to social media, which has brought the world closer together. There are hardly any people who use the Internet and do not have a social media account.

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