Mental Health in Virtual Era | Digital Media

The pandemic has highlighted the significance of digital and virtual mental health, which might have given our mental health systems a lifeline. By using lessons from the pandemic, we can greatly address the long-lasting problem of poor access to mental health treatments by increasing and using digital technologies and virtual care. In critical terms, digital technologies and virtual treatment will enable us more Americans than ever to successfully fulfill mental health needs.

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Delhi Pollution At Its Peak | Suggestive Solutions To Curb

Delhi is facing a high degree of pollution where schools have been closed once again and breathlessness cases at their peak under these circumstances.

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A shift from In-Patient to Ambulatory Care

Health System is defined as the organization and its resource and people target population to deliver the healthcare services to meet their health needs.  That’s why it is called a healthcare system. It is comprised of many levels such as primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary based on the complexities of diseases. The healthcare system has been revolutionized because of the transition from in-patient to out-patient to ambulatory care.

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Adversities on Health – Changing Lifestyle

Pandemics are large-scale infectious disease outbreaks that can significantly increase morbidity, death, and economically, socially, and politically disruptive diseases over a vast geographical region. Evidence indicates that in the past century, the chance of pandemics has grown due to an increase in global travel and integration, urbanization and land-use changes, and more natural environment exploitation. Such tendencies will probably persist and escalate.

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Impact of Waste Disposal on Public Health

Plastic is also one of the major factors in waste generation. It has various applications such as clothes, food packaging, medical, electronic, bottles, etc. It consists of synthetic polymers, and causes a significant increase in environmental pollution, leading to an environmental burden. Its effects are worrisome. It was estimated that plastic was produced 380 million tonnes in 2018. It has been predicted also by the end of 2050; oceans will be filled with plastics more than fishes. It is killing marine lives. 

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Vaccine effectiveness on Delta Variant, COVID-19

The variant of the delta is dangerous since; it not only can more efficiently infect non-vaccinated persons but also accelerate the development of new variants.

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Yoga : Importance of Yoga in Young Generation

Yoga is a way of life; it is not removed from it. We do not need to feel disappointed or frustrated considering our limitations with regard to physical health; shape and size of the body; lack of time; lack of space or unavailability of a teacher. Yoga, in fact, is the means to overcome all these problems.

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