Legal Laws available against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

As per law in India, sexual harassment violates the women’s fundamental right to life with dignity and right to life under articles 21 and 14&15 respectively. There were no specific laws for curbing sexual harassment in the workplace in India except for certain provisions in certain legislation in IPC like section 294 dealing with obscene acts and songs in a public place, Sec. 354 with assault, sec. 510 dealing with making gestures or uttering words that outrage a women’s modesty. 

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What is Economic Inequality? The Overview

Keeping economic inequality in check is an uphill battle. Unfortunately, economic inequality has happened in history and is still prevalent today. The richest people and countries are only growing wealthier and the poorest people and countries are growing poorer and poorer every day. 

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Catchy topic, isn’t it? But more than being catchy, it’s a topic of concern. Men’s rights, we don’t really speak up about it, not openly at least. And one might feel flabbergasted, if only one finds out the reason behind it. The reason behind not speaking about men’s rights is, well, are they so important to be discussed about?

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Changing Status of Women in Modern India

Women are the Building Block of Family. They are the thread that ties up the whole family. Women build Family, Family builds Home, Home a Society, and at last Society transforms Nation.

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