Obesity, Depression and Technology 

Frequent use of the internet is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, one of the leading causes of obesity worldwide. Most young people, addicted to excessive internet use, are prone to depression. Managing an online lifestyle can be demanding and challenging for most people who cannot do things without using the internet.

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Depression and Suicides: Cause, Symptoms & Cure

Depression in relation to its link with suicide is especially significant with mental illnesses. One must need to understand that all depression patients don’t need a clinic treatment. Early detection of depression has a great impact on the treatment process with a strong probability of avoiding suicide.

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Alarming Suicide Rates in Adolescent

Suicide is often the successor of several health problems, but more commonly, depression. Suicide in adolescents is more common in developing and third-world countries and India is no stranger to this. The National Crime Records Bureau has reported that every hour, one student commits suicide in India.

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