Can Weight Loss impact Hypertension?
Does Weight Loss reduce Hypertension?
Obesity is increasing at an alarming rate around the globe. Recent estimates show that at least 500000000 people are overweight whose BMI exists between 25 to 29.9 and 250000000 are obese with BMI of 30 or more worldwide. BMI is the Body Mass Index which is a key measure of one’s weight to his/her height. It fairly gives an idea of total body fat. It has a scale ranging from 18 to 31.
Normal = 18-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = 30 or more
Hypertension is medical terminology for high blood pressure. Blood pressure is nothing but the pressure or force of blood against the arteries in the body. It is termed high blood pressure when this pressure stays elevated for a longer period of time. It is very dangerous as it exerts the heart’s work by an accumulation of plaque in the arteries/ hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis). Hypertension can be defined when SBP (systolic blood pressure) is more than 140 mm Hg and DBP (diastolic blood pressure) is higher than 90 mm Hg whereas the normal blood pressure is when SBP is 120 mm Hg and DBP is 80 mm Hg. However one should understand that SBP between 120-139 and DBP between 80-89 is termed as a condition called Pre-hypertension. It is increasing prevalently and becoming a global burden. It has been estimated that 1 billion people are roughly suffering from high blood pressure worldwide. Hypertension is not limited to be associated with heart diseases but also with renal diseases, stroke, blindness, and of course heart failure. Hypertension is also known as “the silent killer” as without even knowing, people are walking with it. Many risk factors that increase the chances of developing these chronic diseases. However, there are risk factors that can be controlled also and are as follows-
Risk factors that are controllable | Risk factors that can’t be controlled |
High cholesterol | Hereditary or family history |
Tobacco | Age |
Diabetes | |
Overweight | |
High BP | |
Less physical activity |
Caffeine also plays a role in raising blood pressure but has a short time effect as after some time blood pressure goes back to normal. Drinks like coffee, tea, soft drinks (containing caffeine). Apart from this, stress/anxiety increases blood pressure.
How is weight associated with blood pressure?
Bodyweight is directly linked to blood pressure which means as the body weight increases, it significantly increases blood pressure. Being obese or even overweight makes one more susceptible to develop high blood pressure. There are many studies done in the past which have proven that even a small amount of loss in weight helps to prevent and to treat high blood pressure. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute issued two reports as national guidelines in 2002 and 2003 for treatment and prevention of high blood pressure. It has been mentioned in the guidelines that lifestyle adjustments help prevent and treat high blood pressure. The first line of treatment is to start living a healthy lifestyle. Even almost 100 yrs back, in 1920, it has been proven that reducing weight has a significant effect on lowering high blood pressure. Dr. Fisher also quoted that “lifestyle changes can lower blood pressure as much as pills can, and sometimes even more”.
How to prevent and control high blood pressure?
There is an urgent need to focus on increasing cases of high blood pressure. If anybody is suffering from high blood pressure, it is not only the doctor who helps you to prevent you but it is one’s duty also by taking certain measures which will help him to stay away from high pressure. Before going for any measures to be taken, he/she should be confident and always remind himself/herself that “I can do it!” Measures to be taken are as follows-
- Target Weight – Lowering weight reduces high blood pressure. It has been proven that losing even 10 pounds lowers high blood pressure.
- Physically Active – We all need 30 minutes of physical activity almost every day such as walking, bicycling, dancing, aerobics, etc. It helps reduce blood pressure. If anybody has a habit of physical workouts, the need to see a doctor decreases. As the age advances, there is much need to start moderate physical activity as it reduces the chances of heart attack irrespective of even family history. A person can even divide 30 minutes into shorter intervals of 10 minutes each but 30 minutes of vigorous and continuous workout brings better results than shorter intervals.
- Target Diet – Diet plays an important role in decreasing high blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure. The DASH approach has been suggested to the patient for a complete eating plan. It stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It suggests eating food which has low-fat, cholesterol, low fat dairy items and whole grain, nuts, fishes, high fiber and protein, high in potassium, calcium and low intake of salt or sodium as it helps reduce high blood pressure. DASH eating plan increases intake of fruits, vegetables, and also grains. One can modify the DASH eating plan if he/she has to reduce weight and then have to take a low-calorie diet.
- Have an apple instead of 4 cookies and save 80 calories.
- Have 2 ounces of chicken and 1 ½ cups of raw vegetables instead of 5 ounces of chicken and save 50 calories.
- Have a 1 ½ ounce milk chocolate bar instead of ½ cup of low-fat frozen yogurt and save 110 calories.
Tips to have low-calorie diet-
- Use fat-free condiments.
- Have small portions of food.
- Choose low-fat dairy products.
- Do a snack of fruit, unsalted popcorn.
- Cut on foods with added sugar like ice creams, candy bars, etc.
- Watch on sodium intake – Low sodium levels help in keeping the blood pressure at a healthy level.
Tips to reduce salt intake-
- Instead of canned vegetables, buy fresh ones.
- Have poultry meat instead of processed.
- Using herbs instead of salt.
- Wash the canned food to remove extra sodium.
- Cutting on alcohol – Drinking alcohol causes blood pressure to rise. It also increases weight as it possesses lots of calories. It has a negative impact on the liver, brain, and heart.
- Medications – Apart from lifestyle modifications, there are drugs available that have proven their efficiency in high blood pressure reduction. Categories of drugs are as follows-
Diuretics | They help in removing extra sodium and water via urine. |
Alpha-blockers | Helps to pass blood easily by reducing nerve impulses. |
Beta-blockers | They also help reduce nerve impulses which helps the heart beat with less force causing blood pressure to low and vessels relax. |
Alpha-beta blockers | They have both the functions of alpha and beta-blockers. |
ACE inhibitors | They prevent the formation of Angiotensin II, as they decrease the width of vessels. |
Angiotensin antagonists | These protect vessels from Angiotensin II. |
Ca+ channel blockers | They stop the entry of calcium into the muscle of the heart. |
Nervous system inhibitors | They have the same function as alpha-blockers. |
Vasodilators | They relax the muscle of the vessel walls by directly opening up the vessels. |
- Regular meditation to keep oneself away from stress and anxiety.
It is better to start putting on yourself for your blood pressure from today itself!