Article / Law

Is Employing ADR Mechanism Acceptance Of Failure Of Judiciary?

Author: Vaishnavi Mangane

Abstract –

One can imagine that all the legal disputes are battled in the courtrooms, but in reality, almost all the disputes are resolved through the method of Alternative Dispute  Resolution (ADR). The method of resolving disputes without litigation can be abbreviated as Alternative dispute resolution. The ADR methods typically take any one of the three forms i.e., direct negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and Lok Adalat. 

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) 

One can imagine that all the legal disputes are battled in the courtrooms, but in reality, almost all the disputes are resolved through the method of Alternative Dispute  Resolution (ADR). The method of resolving disputes without litigation can be abbreviated as Alternative dispute resolution. The ADR methods typically take any one of the three forms i.e., direct negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and Lok Adalat. 

Regular Dispute Resolution Mechanism  

The dispute mechanism is used for dispute resolution and may incorporate conciliation,  conflict resolution, mediation, and negotiation. It can also be known as grievance mechanisms. The dispute mechanisms are typically non-judicial, which means they are not resolved within the court. 

Need for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) 

  • Through its diverse techniques, ADR plays a significant role to deal with the situation of pendency of cases in the court of India. 
  • The main motive is to furnish economic and political justice and to maintain coherence in the society as enshrined in the preamble. 
  • ADR provides various scientific development techniques to decrease the burden of the courts. 
  • ADR ensures various means of settlement including arbitration, conciliation,  mediation, negotiation, and Lok Adalat’s. Here negotiation relates to self-counseling among the parties to resolve their dispute but does not hold any statutory recognition in India. 
  • ADR has proven successful in clearing the pending cases at different levels of the Judiciary. 

Complexities in regular dispute mechanism – 

1. Judge population ratio. 

2. Vacancy portion of the court staff. 

Conveniences in ADR system – 

1) No complications 

2) Easy dealing of matters 

3) Simplified procedure in taking assistant viz. staff, availing services of staff, etc. 

Advantages of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 

I. Consumes less time to resolve the dispute as compared to courts. 

II. ADR is a cost-effective method, hence saving a lot of money. 

III. Since the informal ways of resolving the disputes are adopted, hence it is free from technicalities of court. 

IV. ADR is an efficient way to resolve disputes, as it always provides a chance to restore back their (parties) relations through discussing their issues together on the same platform. 

V. ADR avoids future consequences and helps maintain good terms between the parties. 

VI. ADR helps the people to express the facts, without disclosing it to any of the courts of law. 

VII. ADR works to look after the best interest of the parties. 

Comparative advantages of all ADR viz. Arbitration, conciliation, mediation, Lok  Adalat.

Arbitration Conciliation Mediation Lok Adalat
a) It provides fairness to both parties as compared to traditional legal trials.a) In conciliation the  presence of an  experienced neutral  and an attorney who  will provide the  possible solutions to  the disputes and  evaluates the risks  associated with  continuing the dispute.a) Mediation is an  informal process that is not bound  by any traditional  legal formalities  which are less time  consuming and  less costly than  litigation.a) Lok Adalat’s  operate with the  spirit of compromise  and understanding  which makes the  parties feel satisfied.
b) A legal resolution  here is much quicker,  less formal, and flexible  in scheduling than  waiting for the trail  date.b) The parties will be  allowed to choose  their conciliator based  on the criteria of the  knowledge in the  expertise area and  availability.b) The mediation is  not a unilateral  process as the  settlement of  disputes lie in the  hands of the  parties. It includes  self-determination  where the parties  can terminate the b) It is less  expensive and  delivers fast justice as any person can  move to Lok  Adalat’s through an  application on a  plain paper or by  format available 
processes at any stage and can take the matter to the court.through legal service authorities.
c) Here the cost is much reliable as it doesn’t include any expert witness nor require much legal process.c) It has time and cost efficiency due to the  flexible nature of  proceedings.c) Mediation helps  the parties find realistic solutions  which are not only  sensible but also have long term  availability. c) Lok Adalat  reduces the workload on courts and  helps look after  more serious matters  and results in  reduction of delays in higher courts.
d) The legal process of  arbitration is more  confidential than of the trial courts. d) Their will be total  confidentiality as  agreed upon by the  parties and the  conciliator as well.d) Mediation  serves to reduce  the level of  conflicts which are  already existing  among them, as to  avoid further more  conflicts between  the disputing parties.d) It helps in direct  interaction with the  Judge in regards to  the disputes, where  on the other hand is  not at all possible in  regular courts of  law.

Statutory base for ADR 

∙ Under article 39A of constitution of India ADR also tries to achieve equal justice and  free legal aid under Directive Principles of State Policy. 

∙ Indian Arbitration Act, 1940. 

∙ Indian Arbitration Act, 1996. 

∙ Arbitration or conciliation proceedings are dealt with under the provisions of the  Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. 


The regular judicial mechanism is working well but in certain special situations, as the flowing, ADR serves as a better alternative

  • for the simple matters where parties want to settle
  • where they can be driven for settlement by arranging a platform for the exchange of dialogue among them,
  • when matters can be settled and when the same will work as reducing the burden of the regular judicial system,
  • when the litigating parties wish to get speedy justice  and consent to the alternative, they stand a win-win situation.

Opting ADR systems can never be considered as a failure of regular dispute resolution mechanisms. Comments in that regard do not deserve any appreciation, it is high to promote and propagate adopt ADR mechanism with which the disposal of cases and both tracks i.e., regular dispute resolution track and alternative dispute resolution track gets disposed of and the same will lead to at least less litigation society, if not a litigation-free society.

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