Largest Producers of the World
General Knowledge

Largest Producers of the World

Know about the Largest Producers of the World , Town (Country) – Associated Industry

  1. Baku (Azerbaijan) – Petroleum
  2. Bangkok (Thailand) – Ship Building
  3.  Belfast (Ireland) – Ship Building
  4. Buenos Aires (Argentina) – Meat
  5. Cadiz (Portugal) – Cork
  6. Chicago (U.S.A) – Agricultural implements, Meat
  7. Cologne (Germany) – Cotton and Woollen Industries
  8. Dhaka (Bangladesh) – Jute
  9. Detroit (U.S.A) – Motor Cars
  10. Dresden (Germany) – Optical & Photographic apparatus
  11. Glasgow (Great Britain) – Machinery
  12. Havana (Cuba) – Tobacco, Cigars
  13. Hollywood (U.S.A) – Film Industry
  14. Johannesburg (South Africa) – Diamond Mining
  15. Leeds (England) – Woollen Goods
  16. Lyons (France) – Silk Industries
  17. Manchester (England) – Cotton Industry
  18. Mauritius (Indian Ocean) – Fishing, Shipping, Sugar
  19. Milan (Italy) – Silk
  20. Morocco (North Africa) – Leather
  21. Munich (Germany) – Lenses
  22. New Orleans (U.S.A) – Cotton Industry
  23. Osaka (Japan) – Cotton Fabrics
  24. Pittsburgh (U.S.A) – Iron and Steel
  25. Plymouth (England) – Ship Building
  26. Sheffield (England) – Cutlery
  27. Venice (Italy) – Glass Manufacturing
  28. Wellington (New Zealand) – Dairy Product

Here is the list of all the largest producers if the world that you should remember.

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September 19, 2020

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