LeDroit presents Certificate Course on Bail
About the Course:
The present course aims at providing all the knowledge about Bail and the procedure related to it; in law school one gets to learn an overview about Bail as a part of topic in Code of Criminal Procedure, but the actual implementation of it is learned when you enter into practice. With this course we aim at filling up that gap between the theoretical and practical world. This course is beneficial for all those who want to create their career in litigation and want to ace the advocacy skills.
Course Content:
- Meaning and objective of Bail
- Bailable and Non-Bailable Offences
- When Bail can be taken
- Discretion in granting bail
- Grant of Bail with conditions
- Anticipatory Bail
- Power of High Court or Court of session in granting bail
- Power of Appellate court to grant Bail
- Cancellation of Bail
- What is Bail Bond and Surety?
- Format for applying a Bail Bond
- Drafting format for Anticipatory Bail
- Bail Application in case of Attempt to Murder
- Bail Application before Judicial Magistrate Court in a pending Case
- Bail Application before Sessions Court
- Bail Application before High Court
How you’ll be marked?
After completion of the course, send us an email at ledroitonline@gmail.com with the subject “(Name of the course) Complete”, we’ll send you the assignment which you have to submit to us within 48 hours . After going through your assignments we’ll send you the soft copy of your certificates.
Registration Process:
To register kindly make the payment first of INR 500/- only, and make a note of transaction ID ,after making the payment fill up the registration form below, to buy this course. If you face any trouble while making payment Paytm or Gpay us on 9527733855.
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