Understanding Marketing | The Law of Marketing
Marketing is the process of teaching consumers why they should choose your product or service over those of your competitors, and is a form of persuasive communication. It is made up of every process involved in moving a product or service from your business to the consumer. Marketing includes creating the product or service concept, identifying who is likely to purchase it, promoting it, and moving it through the appropriate selling channels. If the objective of our business is to sell more products or services, then marketing is what helps you achieve that goal. Anything that you use to communicate with your customers in a way that persuades them to buy your products or services is marketing, including advertising, social media, coupons and sales.
To understand marketing one must learn the laws of marketing so that they can effectively sell their goods and services to people.
The law of marketing is very different from the laws which we study in our textbooks in schools or colleges . Many laws get null and void as the years pass as something new is discovered but the law of marketing is like the laws of nature that are fixed . Law of marketing is not like other fancy laws, it is not just a piece of theory that one can learn , it is a skill that needs to be developed by each one of us if we want to succeed no matter which field we belong to, unless we know marketing we can not make profits out of it.
People think marketing is just about advertising products but it is not the case. Marketing is not just about making fancy ads using one’s creativity on the contrary it is based on science . Infact marketing starts even before creating the product , to research which products will satisfy the customers’ needs . Most people do everything right but they just skip this first step which is actually the most important step . Without a strong foundation of research that what customer’s need one cannot build a huge building of profits no matter how strong they build the building. A product that fulfills the requirement of people does not require much of hardwork to advertise it and sells automatically , we do not have to reach the customers on the other hand customer will find us . If one launches a cheap product that is not worth it’s cost then we can only sell a few units of it . In marketing one has to send the right message to the right person at the right time . Which means the target audience should be set before advertising.Also marketing does not even stop after selling the product to a client because one must be in regular touch with the customer so that the person remains our customer forever and we can sell the same client multiple products.
Selling products to an existing customer is easier when compared to selling it to a stranger as the customer already trusts us and one who trusts us will buy the product from us without making great efforts . So the most important thing in marketing is to build trust with customers and for doing that the products which we are selling should be of high quality and worth its price.Also a great product converts the customers into brand ambassadors for our product which automatically converts to transaction and word of mouth is the best channel of marketing ever . It doesn’t mean creating a high quality product is the only thing to do as marketing helps people discover the product well and help customers know how it will be useful to them but also creates a good perception about the product in people’s mind . one does not have to continuously market a product as there is a time when the product becomes a brand and people start trusting the brand like apple.So to reach at such a level one must build a strong brand for itself. One should think about a product that is so unique and needful to the people so that people have to buy it as they do not have any option . TO BUILD A STRONG BRAND ONE MUST BE EITHER ONLY ONE OR NUMBER ONE .

Marketing is the most valuable investment in any business as it gives direct returns . Everything else like production , manufacturing ,etc is an expense which does not give immediate return on investment .
Good marketing is all about good communication . If one can express his thoughts to the customers in an effective manner then he is a good marketer . Good communication does not care much about the vocabulary we use or the sentences which we use are grammatically correct or not , the only thing that matters is our we able to explain our thoughts well . And to improve our communication skills one must write a lot as writing our thoughts into words means we are able to communicate things well and we also get a better sense of understanding of the subject .

For marketing we need to create a funnel . For creating a marketing funnel one has to choose a niche which is in demand by the people and has a market value . After we select a niche we need to create a product out of that niche which we are going to sell in the market .once the product is ready we need to attract customers for it via blogging , posts , lead magnets , live webinars , etc . Then to drive people’s attention to our blogs , posts , etc we need to advertise it using SEO , Social Media , Paid ads and referrals. After that we need to build trust with people and make them tempted to buy our products .And the last step is definitely transaction and make the new customer a customer forever .

Building a personal brand is also very important to make the process of marketing smooth and effective . THE BEST KNOWN ALWAYS BEATS THE BEST. People are persuaded by people itself and not brands so over here building a personal brand becomes really very important . A personal brand can give rise to many other brands from his/her influence as people already know the person who is the owner of that brand and it will be very easy for the newly established brand to build trust with the people .A personal brand is built in three stages first is to learn something then work on it and then finally share your knowledge and experience with people so that you become a master of it . And when you are at this stage , surprisingly my friend you have been turned into a brand !!
By : Vansh Agrawal
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