Revised Promotion Policy for students | CBSE classes 9th and 11th
On March 11 the Directorate Of Education of Delhi (DOE) issued a circular announcing the extension of its promotion policy of 2021. The policy ensures promotion of all the students of classes 9th and 11th based on cumulative performance throughout the year. The same is done in view of absence of offline schooling and lack of proper means of education due to the pandemic situation. The policy lays down the following guidelines-
i) Class 9 and 11 promotions would be based on the mod term (term 1) and annual tests (term 2).
ii) Including internal evaluation marks. Additionally, considering the grades from numerous practicals and projects.
iii) Students will need to score 33 percent (out of 100) in each of the five subjects to pass.
readers may find the issued circular using the given link or visit Website –
The Rising Concerns of Students v/s Authorities
Though the policy doesn’t state optional observation by the concerned school, some schools might be reluctant about the same. Some schools are still considering the final exam results as decisive. Overlooking the promotion policy in interest of future of the students.
In the viewpoint of the NPSC Chairman, Acharya, such low scores are required to move to the next class. Which is also the Board class, the pupils would be unmotivated. According to Acharya, even the teachers would be less active. “In such a relaxed system, teachers will lack the motivation to create milestones for students. The kids will also scarcely appreciate the genuine worth or value of education,” she said.
The debate between the miseries of students who could not focus on their studies due to underlying circumstances of the pandemic and the rising concern of the school authorities for the quality education of the kids continues, while the Circular prevails partially followed and overlooked.
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