Yoga – Importance of Yoga | An Initiative by Narendra Modi
Author : Sreejita Karmakar
Yoga is Sanskrit for “yoking” or “union”. It is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. It is one of the six orthodox philosophical schools of Hinduism. There are many types of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism and there are four distinct paths or types of yog: Karma yog, Kriya yog, Bhakti yog, and Jnana yog.
The practice of yoga has been thought to date back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions, possibly in the Indus Valley Civilization around 3000 BCE. Yoga is not only mentioned in the Rigveda but also in the Upanishads, though it had most likely taken its form as a systematic study around the 5th and 6th centuries BCE, in India’s ascetic and Śramaṇa movements. Yoga is not a religion, it is a way of living that ensures a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Importance of Yoga
Human beings are physical, mental, and spiritual beings and yogasana helps promote a balanced development of all three. Other forms of physical exercises, like aerobics, only assure physical well-being. They have little to deliver to the development of the spiritual or astral body. Yoga exercises boost the body with cosmic energy and facilitates the attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony, promotes self-healing, removes negative blocks from one’s mind and toxins from the body. It also helps in attaining attention, focus, and concentration, which is especially important for children. There is a feeling of rejuvenation and energy which gives an aspirant the power to control their body and mind.
The art of practicing yoga helps in controlling the mind of an individual, and their body and soul. It brings together mental and physical disciplines to help one achieve a peaceful body and a fresh mind – as it also helps in managing stress, anxiety, depression, and keeps one relaxed. Physically, it helps in improving flexibility, muscle strength, and body tone. It improves respiration, energy, and vitality. Yog asanas build strength, positivity, and confidence. Regular practices of yoga can help in losing weight, relieving stress, improving immunity, and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
The simple goal of Yoga is to help a person rise above their external self and attain enlightenment.
In modern times, we are always busy with schools, colleges, and work. In between these we make time for gym and aerobics and other stuff to keep our bodies in shape. All around us, we have hi-tech, advanced medical facilities, and yet we lead stressful, unhealthy, and unbalanced lives. Amidst this chaos, yoga can bring one peace of mind, body, and soul. It also adds more value to our life. In our daily lives, doing yog asanas has a lot of benefits – it sharpens our memory, improves our concentration span, and enhances creativity. It also leads to the increase of stamina, brings immunity and mental stability.
There is no age barrier as yoga can be practiced by members of any age group. By making yoga a part of our lives, we can walk the path to self-knowledge and self-realization. Discipline, prayer, perseverance, positive thinking, proper orientation, humbleness, and kindness are some of the other qualities that we can attain through yoga. A healthy life is essential to keep going, chasing our dreams, and fulfilling our goals and without good health, these things will not be possible. Happiness will be hampered.
Some Other Benefits of Yoga
Yoga can address any imbalances as it stretches our whole body. With age, our posture can often deteriorate. With time our back muscles become weak, chest muscles become tight and we are limited to the movements of only some muscles. By practicing yogasana, we can stretch out our chest and strengthen the back muscles and the body as a whole. We eventually start to become aware of our bodies and posture. With time, we learn to correct ourselves, which helps us achieve a healthier alignment of our bodies.
Yogasanas also helps to keep our joints healthy. As we practice yoga, we move our joints at full range thereby strengthening the muscles around the joints, which helps to stabilize them. The mobilization of the joints helps in the flow of the synovial fluid, which lubricates them, allowing smooth and healthy movement of the bones, thus promoting healthy joints. Synovial fluid also delivers fresh oxygen and nutrients to the joint cartilage, to restore the joints. Yoga can be relieving to people who suffer from serious joint problems like arthritis, improving physical function, and reducing joint pain.
Yoga is a powerful mindfulness practice and helps bring people out of their jumbled thoughts, back to the present moment. In addition to this, mindfulness practices have been shown to improve social relationships, reduce anxiety and neuroticism. Yog asanas lowers blood pressure. People with high blood pressure develop high risks of having a heart attack and stroke.
Stress is known to induce blood pressure, but apart from medical attention, practicing yoga is said to improve blood pressure directly. The deep breathing and relaxation techniques of yoga help to reduce blood pressure. Some asanas such as Savasana, Supported Bridge Pose, Legs Up the Wall Pose, or Corpse Pose are beneficial for the ones with high blood pressure. One should preferably always consult yoga instructors for poses or asanas.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Initiative
International Day of Yoga started being observed after the United Nations General Assembly recognized June 21 as the International Day of Yoga at the initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014 through a unanimous vote.
Yoga is India’s gift to the world and the 7th International Day of Yoga was celebrated in Indonesia, Spain, New York, Japan, and more.
PM Narendra Modi addressed the Nation on this occasion and emphasized the role of maintaining Health and well-being in our lives, especially now, when we are face-to-face with a global pandemic like COVID-19. He mentioned that yoga has been a beam of hope during the pandemic across the world. The Indian Army celebrated Yoga Day by organizing a yoga session in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch. Indian Navy personnel celebrated International Yoga Day onboard INS Airavat.
To keep one’s mind in order and manage anger issues, and stay healthy, tranquil, and energized, one should practice yogasana. In a world where we hardly get a day to calm ourselves, a few minutes of yoga practice daily can help in a drastic way to get us through the busy and stressful days of our lives.
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