Mental wellbeing

We are today earning in six-seven digits and can afford to set up a gym for maintaining physical wellbeing, but what about our deteriorating mental wellbeing?

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Better Parenting?

It is important to understand that parents can and should be friendly with their children, with the appropriate boundaries and rules set in place and made explicit.

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Effect of Pandemic on Mental Health of Teenagers

Deteriorating Effect of pandemic on the mental health of teenagers

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Growth and Development during Adolescence

~ By : Vrinda Gupta INTRODUCING ADOLESCENCE The word ‘adolescence’ comes from the Latin verb adolescere which means ‘to grow’. So, the essence of the word adolescence is growth and it is in this sense […]

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Environmental Effects on Human Behavior

INTRODUCTION The human environment relationship can be appreciated fully by understanding that the two influence each other, and depend on each other for their survival and maintenance. When we focus our attention on the effects […]

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INTRODUCTION Social behavior is a necessary part of human life, and being social means much more than merely being in the company of others. Our social environment influences our thoughts, emotions and behavior in complex […]

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Psychology and Human Thinking

INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY Any knowledge discipline is hard to define. Firstly, because it evolves continuously. Secondly, because the range of phenomena it studies cannot be captured by any one definition. Psychology is derived from to […]

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