The Reservation system in India under the Indian Constitution

The policy of reservation has been produced for the welfare of mankind and to develop the community or the particular caste. But nowadays it become the game of politicians for the vote bank. The supreme court judgment is being overruled by some major parliamentary judgments and amendments. The MPs are not respecting or keeping in the eye of the orders and judgments of the supreme court, they are just doing the same only for the vote bank. 

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The Rape Victim in India: Section 375 of IPC

Rape is also a crime against women. It is one of the most heinous crimes. India registered 31,677 rape cases in 2021 and lodges 86 rapes daily. And many cases are not being registered just because of the fear of society.

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Legal Laws available against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

As per law in India, sexual harassment violates the women’s fundamental right to life with dignity and right to life under articles 21 and 14&15 respectively. There were no specific laws for curbing sexual harassment in the workplace in India except for certain provisions in certain legislation in IPC like section 294 dealing with obscene acts and songs in a public place, Sec. 354 with assault, sec. 510 dealing with making gestures or uttering words that outrage a women’s modesty. 

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Study of Abortion Laws in India: An Overview

There is an immense need to have stringent laws on abortion that prescribe heavy punishment for wrongdoers. Recent judgments are steps forward to protect the rights of women. No distinction will be made between married as well as unmarried women under the abortion law in India. Although the Indian judiciary has welcomed post-33-week abortions among females stating mother’s choice is Ultimate. The absence of a manner that places women’s choices at the center and a robust law. That lays down detailed procedures for abortions can be felt heavily. Legislation that respects women’s reproductive choices needs to be framed in independent India.

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Human Trafficking as Violation Of Human Rights

The focus on trafficking as an issue of illegal immigration or prostitution is claimed to still dominate the discourse of trafficking Victim concerns.

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Utilitarianism | Bentham’s Principle Of Utility

Utilitarianism is a theory mainly based on the principle greatest happiness to the greatest member. Utilitarianism became a core principle for all most all Nations in their political, economical, social functioning today.

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An Insight On Coalgate Scam | India’s Largest Scam

The Coalgate scam or the Coal block scam is one of the largest scam in history of India which was uncovered by a draft report of the CAG which revealed irregularities in coal allocation. The allocation was carried out by the UPA government which was arbitrarily done without a competitive bidding process not giving a fair chance to general public to take part in the allocation process.

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Constitutional Amendment: Process and its Abuse

The Constitution of a country is the fundamental law of the land. The basis on which all other laws are made and enforced. It has been described as a “superior or supreme law” with “perhaps greater efficiency and authority”, and “higher sanctity” and more permanence than ordinary legislation.

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Is Stock Market The Same As Gambling?

Most of the traders say that the stock market is also a gambling. Some of the traders will do trading like gambling, just buying the shares and selling without knowledge.

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Social Security Legislations In India

Social security was established as a basic human right in the ILO’s Declaration of Philadelphia(1944) and its Income Security Recommendation,1944. The right is upheld in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966.

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