Interest on Partner’s Capital | Past Adjustment | Guarantee of Profit

INTEREST ON PARTNER’S CAPITAL   1. When Capitals of partners are different but profit-sharing ratio is equal.  If a partner invests more capital as compared to other partners and the profit-sharing ratio is equal. interest paid […]

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Burden of Proof under Indian Evidence Act

The term “Burden of Proof” originated from the Latin word “Onus Probandi”. In simple language, it means the obligation to prove a fact. In Law, it means the burden of establishing a case and providing […]

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Doctrine of Estoppel : Meaning, Definition and Kinds

Meaning of Estoppel The word “Estoppel” came from the French word ‘estouper’. Estoupe means to stop. In law, this term has been taken from English Jurisprudence to shut the mouth of a person who claimed […]

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What is Gift? Explain Essentials of a Valid Gift

Introduction A gift is a transfer of ownership of property by the sender to the receiver without any consideration or compensation. The Property which is to be gifted can be movable property or immovable property. […]

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Judicial Notice under the Indian Evidence Act

Meaning of Judicial Notice: Judicial Notice means notice or recognition of the truth of the facts taken by the judge, which do not require proof of any evidence. These facts are well known. The notice […]

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Who is an Expert? Discuss the Probative Value of an Expert Witness

Who is an Expert? In layman, language expert means a person specially skilled. An Expert is a person who, by practice and observation, has become experienced in a particular area of study. An Expert is […]

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Personality Traits | The Psychological Aspect of Behaviour

Personality Traits – The Psychological Aspect of Behaviour Temperament refers to a stable association of individual personality traits and form a person’s behaviour.  The concept of temperament crafted by ancient Greek Philosophers, including Hippocrates and […]

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Glossary of Legal Maxims or Legal Terms

Here are few of the Legal Terms to keep in mind. 1. Acquittal – A verdict that a criminal defendant is not guilty, or the finding of a judge that the evidence is insufficient to […]

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Johari Window Model | Communication Theory

Johari window is a very beautifully designed concept used to define human interactions.  It was given by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingam. A window which we used to draw in our drawing class was utilized […]

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Growth and Development during Adolescence

~ By : Vrinda Gupta INTRODUCING ADOLESCENCE The word ‘adolescence’ comes from the Latin verb adolescere which means ‘to grow’. So, the essence of the word adolescence is growth and it is in this sense […]

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