Who is an Expert? Discuss the Probative Value of an Expert Witness

Who is an Expert? In layman, language expert means a person specially skilled. An Expert is a person who, by practice and observation, has become experienced in a particular area of study. An Expert is […]

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Glossary of Legal Maxims or Legal Terms

Here are few of the Legal Terms to keep in mind. 1. Acquittal – A verdict that a criminal defendant is not guilty, or the finding of a judge that the evidence is insufficient to […]

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Check out the criminal courts hierarchy in India! The Indian judiciary is the guardian of the Constitution of India, and custodian of the Fundamental Rights of the citizens. The system of judiciary is established in […]

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Persons entitled to Demand Partition in Hindu Joint Family

Partition is a severance of status of the coparceners and division of coparcenary property by metes and bounds. Therefore, as a general rule , it is the coparceners who have a right to demand partition […]

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Jurisdiction of Supreme Court in India | Constitutional Law

Determining the Jurisdiction of Supreme Court as given under the Constitution of India with reference to Case Laws 1. ORIGINAL JURISDICTION Article 131 of the Constitution of India, defines Exclusive and Original Jurisdiction of the […]

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Constitutional Protection of Civil Servants in India

Discussing the scope of Constitutional protection of Civil servants in India. Civil Servants or Bureaucrats are the backbone of the administration in any nation. The job of the government in modern welfare states is to […]

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Preventive Detention | Constitutional Safeguards | All you need to know

What is preventive detention ? What Constitutional safeguards are available to detenu against preventive detention laws ? The constitution of India, guarantees its citizens certain rights and freedom just like other constitution’s of the world. […]

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Concept of Bail | Bailable and Non – Bailable Offences

The offences and their punishments have been given under Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the procedure for the same has been given in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Under Cr.P.C, the offences have been classified under two heads : bailable and non-bailable offences.

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Doctrine of Severability | Article 13

DOCTRINE OF SEVERABILITY through ARTICLE 13  To understand Doctrine of Severability lets first understand Article 13 of the Constitution of India Article 13 of the Constitution of India deals with the definition of law and […]

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What is BAIL and its certain Principles?

What is the meaning of BAIL? What are its Principles? “The issue of bail is one of liberty, justice, public safety and burden of public treasury, all of which insist that a developed jurisprudence of […]

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