Contractual Liability of Minor under Indian Contract Act, 1872

A common legal complexity often arises when an agreement with minor parties takes place. This is problematic because the Act does not permit such agreements outright.

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Limitations to Right of Expression | Constitution of India

Right to Expression is a foundational human right of the greatest importance. It is a lynchpin of democracy, key to protection of all human rights, and fundamental to human dignity in its own right. Universally it is recognized that it is not absolute right, and every democracy has developed a system of limitations on freedom of expression.

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Extent and Operation of the Indian Penal Code – Jurisdiction

Section 1 titles the Code and states the extent and scope of its operation. Section 2 renders criminal responsibility for offences that are committed within the territory of India by any person. Section 3 and 4 imposes punishment with respect to offences which are committed without and beyond India. Whereas Section 5 is a saving clause.

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Forensic Odontology : An emerging field in Evidence Law

The article highlights the fact although widely accepted, forensic odontology is still an emerging discipline in India. “Authorities in the West know about it but this is still not common in India,”affirmed Dr.Ashith Acharya, Government recognised Forensic dentist. Being less recognised the development of forensic odontology is comparatively slow. The cases discussed above are evident to prove the importance of forensic odontology in the investigation of crime and as evidence against the accused.

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What All Has Changed After Changing The Company Law

12th September, 2013 new Company Law came into force. Which became the inception of the new era of how our companies are going to be governed.
But what all has changed which will indemnify the interest of stakeholders?

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What Is The Scope of Mediation In International Politics?

Introduction Mediation refers to a method in which resolution of dispute between 2 parties takes place through the help of a neutral third party. It’s completely different from different ADR mechanisms as being voluntary in […]

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Burden of Proof under Indian Evidence Act

The term “Burden of Proof” originated from the Latin word “Onus Probandi”. In simple language, it means the obligation to prove a fact. In Law, it means the burden of establishing a case and providing […]

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Doctrine of Estoppel : Meaning, Definition and Kinds

Meaning of Estoppel The word “Estoppel” came from the French word ‘estouper’. Estoupe means to stop. In law, this term has been taken from English Jurisprudence to shut the mouth of a person who claimed […]

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What is Gift? Explain Essentials of a Valid Gift

Introduction A gift is a transfer of ownership of property by the sender to the receiver without any consideration or compensation. The Property which is to be gifted can be movable property or immovable property. […]

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Judicial Notice under the Indian Evidence Act

Meaning of Judicial Notice: Judicial Notice means notice or recognition of the truth of the facts taken by the judge, which do not require proof of any evidence. These facts are well known. The notice […]

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