Case Analysis Justice K.S. Puttaswamy v. UOI | Right to Privacy

The Supreme Court of India has once again shown itself to be the solitary defender of the constitution, establishing a legal basis for privacy protections in India. The verdict addresses all of the problems and establishes that, under India’s constitution, privacy is a fundamental inalienable right, intrinsic to human dignity as well as liberty.

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Patents | All you need to know about patent laws

Patents are exclusive rights in form of a legal document granted by the government to the inventor to exclude others to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified period of time. Patents are also available for significant improvements on previously invented items.

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Case Analysis on Shreya Singhal vs. Union of India | IT Act

In the Indian legal system, the landmark judgment SHREYA SINGHAL Vs UNION OF INDIA is extremely important. The basic right to freedom of speech and expression protected by Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution is at issue in this case. The constitutional legality of section 66A was challenged, and the IT Act of 2000 was repealed as a result.

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Environment and Law of Torts – The Nexus In-Between

The tort law is used in addition to statutes and provides a legal method to acquire compensation when a person is harmed due to environmental pollution caused by another. 

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Patent And Trade Secret in Intellectual Property Rights

Patent and Trade Secret are two types of intellectual property rights that are distinct from one another. These intellectual property rights (IPRs) assist you in protecting and monopolising your innovations and discoveries.

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How to Protect your Work through Copyright | Copyright Protection

The copyright does not protect ideas or facts. It protects the selection and arrangement of ideas, as well as their original and creative expression, as soon as they are established in some concrete form.

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Is Muslim Personal Laws a Violation of Women’s Right?

The above analysis of Muslim personal laws reveals that at every stage, Muslim law is fettered with inequalities. Here, women in every case are observed to be less equal and there is a serious need of reforms.

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What is the Validity of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act?

When the National Integration Council established a committee for national integration and regionalization in 1967; the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) was passed.

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Role of Consumer Protection Act | Right of Consumers in India

The Consumer Protection Statute (CPA) of 2019 superseded the 1986 Act. It is a landmark piece of legislation which ensures that justice is delivered in a more timely, convenient, and user-friendly manner. This statute intends to resolve complaints about non-standard goods and inadequate services that are promised but not delivered.

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What is Capital Punishment? Its Constitutional Validity in India

For far too long, the death sentence has been attacked without any grasp of its complexities. It has been heavily criticized for arbitrariness, irreversibility, and violations of human rights. The death penalty, on the other hand, passes muster on all points. In India, the capital penalty is not only constitutionally valid but is also supported by several court rulings.

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