Law: Tools of Legal Research

In conclusion, the availability of various tools has significantly transformed the landscape of legal research. These tools offer legal professionals a wide array of resources, advanced search capabilities, data analytics, and collaboration platforms to conduct efficient and effective research. The use of online legal databases, research platforms, digital libraries, legal citators, analytics tools, legislative trackers, secondary legal sources, writing and citation tools, court websites, and legal research communities has revolutionized the way legal professionals gather information, analyze legal authorities, and stay updated with the latest developments.

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Mooting: Exploring Its Definition and Relevance in Law Schools

Mooting is an oral proceeding, similar to a court proceeding, commonly practiced in institutions and universities where law is taught. It assesses students’ ability to argue legal cases effectively. Students assume the roles of advocates, […]

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Challenges of Internal Security In India

Internal security is crucial for the safety and well-being of citizens, the peace and security of the state, and the growth and progress of the country.

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What is Corruption? Reasons of Its Explosion in India

keywords – corruption, Indian Politics, Bribery, politics, judicial, economic, society, economic, Benami, transparency Role ‘Corruption’ in our country is not going on from today but for many centuries and it is increasing day by day, […]

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Workplace Bullying and Harassment- All you need to know

Bullying and harassment are different terms but look similar. Bullying can be about body shaming, comments, race shaming, gender shaming but harassment means exploding in some real manner. 

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Human Rights Origin In the West

The concept of human rights is innate with the very origin of the human race. Human beings by virtue of their very existence possess certain rights that are inherent to them.

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The Reservation system in India under the Indian Constitution

The policy of reservation has been produced for the welfare of mankind and to develop the community or the particular caste. But nowadays it become the game of politicians for the vote bank. The supreme court judgment is being overruled by some major parliamentary judgments and amendments. The MPs are not respecting or keeping in the eye of the orders and judgments of the supreme court, they are just doing the same only for the vote bank. 

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The Rape Victim in India: Section 375 of IPC

Rape is also a crime against women. It is one of the most heinous crimes. India registered 31,677 rape cases in 2021 and lodges 86 rapes daily. And many cases are not being registered just because of the fear of society.

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Legal Laws available against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

As per law in India, sexual harassment violates the women’s fundamental right to life with dignity and right to life under articles 21 and 14&15 respectively. There were no specific laws for curbing sexual harassment in the workplace in India except for certain provisions in certain legislation in IPC like section 294 dealing with obscene acts and songs in a public place, Sec. 354 with assault, sec. 510 dealing with making gestures or uttering words that outrage a women’s modesty. 

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Study of Abortion Laws in India: An Overview

There is an immense need to have stringent laws on abortion that prescribe heavy punishment for wrongdoers. Recent judgments are steps forward to protect the rights of women. No distinction will be made between married as well as unmarried women under the abortion law in India. Although the Indian judiciary has welcomed post-33-week abortions among females stating mother’s choice is Ultimate. The absence of a manner that places women’s choices at the center and a robust law. That lays down detailed procedures for abortions can be felt heavily. Legislation that respects women’s reproductive choices needs to be framed in independent India.

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