Dark Web : Relations with the Sinful World & illegal activities 

The deep web is a backbone of globalization by creating more business & job opportunities, easy & fast money transactions, and a handy worldwide connection.

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Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Intelligence | The Surging Debate

In recent years, there have been increasing calls for artificial intelligence (AI) to replace human intelligence in a wide range of tasks. The argument goes that, because AI can now outperform humans in many intelligible tasks, it is only a matter of time before AI surpasses human intelligence as a whole.

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B.Tech after 12th | Career in Engineering

B.E. (Bachelors in Engineering) and B.Tech (Bachelors in Technology) are the two 4-year undergraduate engineering programmes one can apply to after completing class 12th.

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Object Oriented Programming | What Is OOPS In Java?

Author: Zeba Ali What is object-oriented programming? Object Oriented Programming is a methodology or paradigm in Java to design a program using class and object. It simplifies software development and maintenance by providing concept such […]

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What is Minimum Spanning Tree? | Algorithms

minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree which has minimum total cost. A spanning tree is a sub graph that is a tree and joined all vertices.

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Virtual Reality and Human Understanding

Virtual Reality simply means experiencing things through our computer that don’t really exist. It is termed as a 3D computer generated environment which a person can explore and interacted with both physically and mentally.

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Programme to Count the Word in a Text File | C++

Programme to Count the Word ‘THE’ in a Text File This is the programme that you need! You need to change the terms as per your requirement. #include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h>                        //For exit() […]

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