Now I Know: Poem

Through this poem, I’ve tried to depict the state of mind of a girl who is constantly fighting battles with the outside world for her rights, and now she’s done. She has learnt enough lessons and is ready to  rise above all.  

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Sports Psychology : A branch of Psychology

Sports psychology, an important branch of psychology that is developing rapidly, especially in recent times. It is the study of the influence of psychological factors on sports, athletic performance, exercise and physical activity.

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Better Parenting?

It is important to understand that parents can and should be friendly with their children, with the appropriate boundaries and rules set in place and made explicit.

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Angels or Demons?
No, we are Humans.
We preach divinity or devilish?
No, we preach Humanity.
Oh! Although in the logical world!

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‘Dear Milind’

Life is kind of a funny game;
It’s beautiful and kind but truly is terrifying
I still remember vividly, the last time you shared a meme with me
Not so long ago

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इश्क़ की सब हदेंपार करके, कि सी रोज़ तू भी तो देख मेरा इंतज़ार
तूूूनेे जितने ज़ख्म दिए, उससे ज़्यादा घाउ भी भर दिए।

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Mental Health in Virtual Era | Digital Media

The pandemic has highlighted the significance of digital and virtual mental health, which might have given our mental health systems a lifeline. By using lessons from the pandemic, we can greatly address the long-lasting problem of poor access to mental health treatments by increasing and using digital technologies and virtual care. In critical terms, digital technologies and virtual treatment will enable us more Americans than ever to successfully fulfill mental health needs.

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Books are Our Best Companions

It is a true saying that ‘books are our true companions’. The ones who read – more so, read religiously – can relate to this statement. The world has its fair share of people who are burdened with the responsibilities and the persistent mental and physical pressure life has to offer. I can vouch for this because I have faced similar situations. Life can never go easy for too long on us, and we have to face foul-weather days from time to time.

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21st Century Cultural Reset | Integration Of Cultures And Economies

Good ethics is conveyed to humans through cultural values. Cultural enrichment was constantly made to Indians. Indians are recognized for their wonderful manners and culture. Author: Dr. Saumya Lal Leadership is affected in various ways […]

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What is Veganism | Vegetarianism in India

Vegetarian and vegan diets may provide health benefits, including reduced body weight, lower cholesterol levels, and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, vegetarians and vegans need to ensure that they are meeting all of their nutritional requirements. For example, plants do not naturally contain vitamin B-12, so vegans and vegetarians may need to consume fortified foods or take dietary supplements to get enough vitamin B-12.

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