Anti-Conversion Laws In India | Faith against Agenda

The Conversion Prevention Act is a state-level regulation that promotes religious freedom. Laws that are specifically concerned with the regulation of involuntary conversion.

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Technology At The Cost Of Environment

Technology At The Cost Of Environment

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Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Intelligence | The Surging Debate

In recent years, there have been increasing calls for artificial intelligence (AI) to replace human intelligence in a wide range of tasks. The argument goes that, because AI can now outperform humans in many intelligible tasks, it is only a matter of time before AI surpasses human intelligence as a whole.

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Why Is There A Stark Hike In Petrol Price?

Indians are now paying 3 digit figures per liter for fuel. Fuel prices have changed by 30% over the last year

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You Are Beautiful As You Are ~ True Beauty

The beautifully written piece attempts to unveil the true beauty, hidden behind the superficial norms and beliefs prevalent in the society.

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Obesity, Depression and Technology 

Frequent use of the internet is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, one of the leading causes of obesity worldwide. Most young people, addicted to excessive internet use, are prone to depression. Managing an online lifestyle can be demanding and challenging for most people who cannot do things without using the internet.

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Her – Creative Writing : Poem

Written By: Darshika Saxena I am a girl who is born in the generation  Where Durga, Kali and Saraswati’s hymns are sung in the nation.  But when the same ‘kali’ is born, she is abhorred […]

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Emerging Champions: Take a minute and smile today

Emerging Champions: Take a minute and smile today

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The Generation Gap: All of us owe it

Do your bit, not only respect elders; welcome them in your lives gratefully, support them in what they wish to do; make them aware and help whenever you can. Try to make this world a better place for our elderly because if there is a heaven. You’d be welcomed there greatly! Remember, we need generations, not generation gaps! 

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Why I Connect With These Quotes

Two of the many interesting and relatable quotes which I encountered while reading various books and online sources.

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