‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ – The World Is One Family

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ is a sentiment in which the whole society has been told that the whole world is one family, whether we look at it from a material point of view or from a spiritual point of view.

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Pollution – A Rising Concern | Types Of Pollution

As man is developing his scientific powers, with this development growing alongside is the problem of pollution. Major pollution of the environment is seen to be done by the developed countries. However this is a problem that cannot be seen by tying it to the boundaries of a specific region or nation. This is a worldwide problem, so only the joint effort of all nations can be helpful in getting rid of this problem.

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Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle For Good Life

A healthy lifestyle is a basis for leading a good life. A person with good health can achieve more in his life. Our ancestors have lived life for more than a hundred years. But now the average age of a man in India is considered to be around 70 years. Leading a healthy life means not only maintaining physical health but also being mentally and emotionally fit. A healthy lifestyle helps to overcome chronic diseases and long-term diseases. Having good health gives you more confidence.

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Yoga Connects us with the Ultimate Source

Yoga liberates us from limited identity. It connects us to the infinite. Regular practice of asanas enlightens us. We realize that we are infinite. It connects to our true self which is love, peace, and the source of all positivity. We become happy, healthy, harmonious, and holistically abundant through yoga. We start spreading happiness, peace, and spiritual awareness.

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Effect Of Social Sites On The Mental Health Of Youth

Social media has a lot of advantages on its own but the way people use it makes it a bad source which can even disturb our mental health. Adults must take proper care of their children in controlling their usage of social media sites.

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How does a lifestyle business differ from a Startup?

Like every business, lifestyle business also has both merits and demerits. A lifestyle business is to bring changes in income and support the family.

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What Are The Various Types Of Pollutions?

The world, we are living in is polluted in various ways. Today, pollution has become a major threat for humans. Basic human needs like air, water and food are contaminated in many ways.

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What Is The Role Of Sugar In Our Everyday life?

Sugar is a carbohydrate, the sweet form we see in our daily lives, a sweet that makes everything we eat, we drink; we consume, tasty.

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A Detailed Study About E-waste & Its Management In India

The electronic and electrical equipment which is thrown away after their use or life time over makes e-waste.

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Facebook Safety Check Feature – Analyzing the benefits

Facebook is one of the social media with more than millions of users. Safety check feature is introduced only for natural disasters.

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