Use of Mobile Technology for Public Health Education Programs | mHealth

Innovation and the spread of mobile technologies to address the priorities of health, has launched a new term called mHealth. mHealth is one of the components of eHealth. According to GOe (Global Observatory for eHealth), mHealth is defined as medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, for example mobile phones, PDAs (personal digital assistants), patient monitoring devices, and other wireless devices.

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Nano Biotechnology – NanoParticles : An Overview | A new Approach

Nanobiotechnology is a multidisciplinary field of study that includes biology, medicine and molecular engineering. 1 billion of metre or 10⁻⁹ is denoted by the term “nano”. Professor Norio Taniguichi of Tokyo science university created the term “ Nanotechnology “ in 1974 to characterizes the precision fabrication of materials at nanoscale.

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Parent’s knowledge and Child-caring strategies in Indian Slum Areas

The gap between parent’s knowledge and practice of child-caring strategies in Indian slum areas. Parenting refers to the process of raising a kid which has multiple tasks and behaviors that incorporate a direct impact on child outcomes.

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Climate Change in India – Growing Threat to India

Climate refers to the long-term regional or global average of temperature, humidity, and rainfall patterns over seasons, years, or decades. Climate change is the worldwide phenomenon of climate transformation characterized by the changes in the usual climate of the planet (regarding temperature, precipitation, and wind) that are especially caused by human activities.

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Toxic Masculinity and Popular Culture | Sociology

What is Masculinity, what are the sociological impact of masculinity and relationship between masculinity and identity, how is masculinity different from the toxic masculinity, what is toxic masculinity and pop culture lastly, we will talk about the masculinity and popular cinema and relate it with some movies like Kabir Singh. And show the difference as to how these movies impact the behaviour of a male and how these movies create an impact in our society.

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What is Paradox? What is Theseus Paradox | Philosophy

Paradox is a statements and the main purpose of the paradoxes is to bring the attention of the readers and to provoke the new thoughts in their mind and ideas so that person can think out of the box and can easily do critical reasonings in day today’s life. If we want to prove some statement of paradox, we have to give the proof by giving another proof and that proof must be supported by another proof, it is called the infinite regress problem.

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Love in Virtual Era | Online Dating

We live in a world where technology has become an intrinsic division of our life. It is hard to assume a life without it. This technology uprising has led to a platform where an individual can meet and unite based on specific liked or disliked touchstone and one such platform is Online Dating. Online Dating (referred to as Internet dating) is a way for people to scrutinize and get in touch with one another by way of the web to arrange a date, generally to develop a private relationship.

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Impact of E-Commerce on Small Business in India

With the world facing its biggest fight from the global pandemic inflicted by the COVID-19, E-Commerce acted as a catalyst for many small level businesses in India. It played a major role in advancement of different businesses which were closed due to nation wide lockdown imposed for nearly a month by the Government of India. With the boost in Information Technology, the traditional method of business encountered many changes around the world. E-Commerce has changed the idea of business.

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Forensic Odontology : An emerging field in Evidence Law

The article highlights the fact although widely accepted, forensic odontology is still an emerging discipline in India. “Authorities in the West know about it but this is still not common in India,”affirmed Dr.Ashith Acharya, Government recognised Forensic dentist. Being less recognised the development of forensic odontology is comparatively slow. The cases discussed above are evident to prove the importance of forensic odontology in the investigation of crime and as evidence against the accused.

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Immunotherapy with Herbal Remedy : Therapeutics for Cancer Treatment

Neem, Tulsi, Turmeric, chiretta, Zinger, Onion, etc. possess anticancer properties that might be used for developing anticancer drugs. Therefore, we should focus on herbal remedies which require intensive research on various plants. Exploring the medicinal value of such indigenous plants will help to combat chronic diseases. This results in the possibility and hope of developing natural and novel anti-cancer drugs.

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