Are Electric Vehicles more harmful to the Environment?

Electronic vehicles are an essential strategy in the immediate term to reduce local emissions and help improve local air quality.

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Tourism Raised Problems in the Corbett National Park

Corbett National Park is the symbol of a protective area of wildlife, especially endangered species. Definitely tourism in Jim Corbett is a very important source of income for our government but unfortunately, it harms the park as well.

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Increasing Corruption: A threat to Indian Politics

Corruption in simple terms can be described as “an act of corruption”. It is defined as the use of public service for private gain in a manner that constitutes a violation of the law or a deviation from the norms of society. 

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National Article Writing Competition By Edumound | INKED 3.O

EduMound brings to you “INKED 3.0”, its 3rd Edition of Article Writing Competition wherein submissions are invited from students, research scholars, academicians and professionals, across the globe.

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Animal Testing | Abusing Animals on the Whims of Selfishness

Animal Testing – Abusing Animals on the Whims of Selfishness

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Population Growth: A Burden on Society

Population growth today has become a serious matter of concern for the world. The world population has been consistently increasing at an alarming rate. Uncontrolled population growth leads to rapid urbanisation and depletion of resources.

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Uses and Abuses Of Cell Phones

In conclusion, we must admit that there are both uses and abuses of the ambulatory. But mobile plays an important part in the development of our civilisation. It should be used duly or properly. 

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Organic Farming the New Trend?

Organic farming, also known as ecological farming or biological farming, is an agricultural method that uses fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal. It emphasizes techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting. Originated early in the 20th century.

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Why do we need to Ban Plastic? Impact on Economy

Plastic as a substance is non-biodegradable and thus plastic bags remain in the environment for hundreds of years, polluting it immensely. It has become very essential to ban plastic bags.

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What is River Pollution? How to control Pollution?

Growing river pollution is a serious subject of consideration in the world. About 2 million tons of waste from industries, sewage, etc are discharged every day into the water bodies.  

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