What is Manual Scavenging? Still prevalent in India?

“The manual carrying of human faeces is not a form of employment, but an injustice akin to slavery. It is one of the most prominent forms of discrimination against Dalits, and it is central to the violation of their human rights.”

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Cyber Crime in India and its Prevention

We are living in the digital age and cyberspace is not limited to one’s boundaries. As a result, cyber crime is increasing day by day in all countries including India. The biggest challenge that leads to cybercrime is its dynamic nature because of the ongoing evolution of digital technology. As a result, new cyber crime methods and techniques come into practice. 

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Remedy for Passing off Trademark

Law of Passing-off is applicable when a person whose application for Trademark registration is pending and such person wants to stop the use of similar or identical marks by the Law of Passing Off of Trademark. 

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Is Entrepreneurship better than 9-5 jobs?

An employee, who works 9 to 5 has a narrow vision, restricted liabilities, and subsequently, limited responsibility. In any case, when you’re an entrepreneur, you need to work every day of the week to accomplish your vision and enhance the value to the lives of your clients.

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Increase in Domestic Violence | Impact on the Society

Domestic violence has existed for a very long time in society but during the last few years it has increased and the reasons are the same which I told you about above. The best way to prove an increase in domestic violence is during a pandemic

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Independence Day Special | Interesting Facts About India

On this independence day, we bring to you a few interesting facts about our motherland. India is one of the oldest treasure the world holds.

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Is Racism still prevailing in the society? Racial Discrimination

Racism is the discrimination of individuals based on their race. It manifests itself in a number of ways and can be expressed verbally, non-verbally, or through actions. Racism has been associated with many negative outcomes for both individual victims and society as a whole.

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Case Analysis Justice K.S. Puttaswamy v. UOI | Right to Privacy

The Supreme Court of India has once again shown itself to be the solitary defender of the constitution, establishing a legal basis for privacy protections in India. The verdict addresses all of the problems and establishes that, under India’s constitution, privacy is a fundamental inalienable right, intrinsic to human dignity as well as liberty.

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Patents | All you need to know about patent laws

Patents are exclusive rights in form of a legal document granted by the government to the inventor to exclude others to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified period of time. Patents are also available for significant improvements on previously invented items.

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How can reading articles or books be an investment?

According to a study conducted in 2009 at the University of Sussex the researchers were looking into how reading novels of different genres were lowering stress by measuring heart rate and muscle tension.

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