What Is The Role Of Sugar In Our Everyday life?
Keywords – Sugar, Health, Diet, Carbohydrates, Nutrients, Lifestyle Disorder
Sugar is a carbohydrate, the sweet form we see in our daily lives, a sweet that makes everything we eat, we drink; we consume, tasty. Carbohydrates, a primary and important source of energy to the human body. Basically, one fact an individual must know about sugar is, it is a basic need for the body. Carbohydrate, includes, glucose, sucrose, and fructose. Glucose in the body, breaks out to provide energy to the body. They help in digestion process in the human body.
Sugar acts as a fuel source and could be found in various food items we consume. All the fruits and vegetables we eat, have the crystalized form of sugar. They also play a important role in diet of the individual. The scientific studies have shown that the healthy lifestyle is based on different changes and moderations made. Different food items and choices made by the individual leads to the best results, along with several physical activities held by the human beings.
Natural Sugar
Sugar is such a carbohydrate that naturally occurs in many items we consume. Not only this, certain food items produced in the markets, do carry some artificial sugar coating in the form of sugar forms, sugar layers or crystals. This can be deficit in keeping up with the good health status of an individual. High consumption or consuming sugar more than the necessity can lead to higher sugar level in the body. This may further cause or lead to, diabetes, higher blood pressure and many other diseases. Too much of anything is bad. Consumption of too much of sugar can lead to many adverse and dangerous affects on the health of an individual. The carbs we consume cut down itself into sugar inside our body and provides energy and some amount of nutrients.
Forms of Sugar
Sugars in food items appear in different forms and has various names for it. All the food and drink labels provided from the markets, help people to understand the total amount of sugar added to the food item. Certain ingredient list people need to look out for while getting any items related to sugar includes, brown sugar, honey, malt sugar, dextrose, concentrates from fruits, fructose, sweeteners, syrups, jams, jellies and many more.
Sugar Metabolism
Sugar in an individual’s body, is again very important factor to be noted. It is broken down in the body, which enters to the bloodstream of an individual. Certain forms of glucose is essential to different body parts such as, central nervous system (CNS), and functions the red blood cells (RBC) of the body. The glucose increases the insulin level of the body and maintains the concentration and production of lower levels of sugar content. Hence, the insulin production helps the hormones to function properly.
In case, there is lower level of insulin inside a human body, is exactly when the body leads to diabetes. A person develops diabetic symptoms that can be acute at times and cured easily, and other times can be chronic and toxic or dangerous to lifestyle. Not only sugar, but the starch from the carbohydrates, can be one more way for the body to finally have met its target in a day-to-day life.
But certain amount of sugar consumption can lead to many side effects. It raises the blood glucose levels of the body, leading to several causes such as diabetes, as mentioned above. Other than this, certain other disorders could be, leading to heart related issues and diseases, cancer, kidney related causes, eye issues, high blood pressure, muscle, and nerve distortion. Not only this, excess consumption of sugar intake leads to tooth cavities, inflammation and infection, skin and face aging, overconsumption, obesity and fat accumulation in the body, weight gain and waist size changing.
Sugar is a form of carbohydrate occurs in many food items, like fruits and vegetables. Yes, it is of course important in food consumption, but it is also important to know about the correct and the exact amount of the sugar intake in an individual’s day-to-day life. They have a varied impact on any healthy lifestyle and sometimes can become an addiction to few out of us. This addiction can lead to diseases and can be toxic to the health status, also leading to death. Hence, too much of sugar is never a good thing, and too less can make a dish less tasty, so limitations are a better option.
Written By – Shree Raksha
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