What is Corruption? Reasons of Its Explosion in India
keywords – corruption, Indian Politics, Bribery, politics, judicial, economic, society, economic, Benami, transparency
‘Corruption’ in our country is not going on from today but for many centuries and it is increasing day by day, due to which the condition of our country is getting worse. Misuse of a person sitting in a particular position is called corruption. Such people take advantage of their position and indulge in black marketing, embezzlement, bribery etc. Due to which every section of our country is affected by corruption.
Due to this, the economic progress of our country is also harmed. Corruption is like a termite which is slowly hollowing out our country. Today in our country, corruption is rampant in every government office, non-government office and politics, due to which the common man is very upset. We have to reduce it by raising our voice against it soon, otherwise our whole nation will fall prey to corruption.
Meaning of corruption
The meaning of corruption is hidden in its name itself, corruption means corrupt + ethics. Corrupt means bad or spoiled and conduct means conduct. i.e., the literal meaning of corruption is the conduct which is unethical and unfair in any way. Corruption includes bribery, election rigging, blackmail, tax evasion, perjury, false prosecution, cheating in examination, wrong assessment of examinee, hafta extortion, extortion of donations, biased decisions by judges, taking money to vote, vote distributing money and liquor etc., taking money to print reports, giving cash to get their works done, all this is corruption.
Growing corruption in India
The roots of corruption in India are so deep that there is hardly any area left which has remained untouched by it, Politics has become synonymous with corruption. Today, corruption in India is increasing in every field, black marketing means deliberately increasing the prices of things, purposefully extorting money by doing wrong operations even in the field like medicine for their selfishness, doing everything by taking money, bringing cheap goods and selling them expensively.
Election rigging, Bribery, Tax evasion, Blackmail, Cheating in examination, Wrong assessment of examinee, hafta recovery, biased decision by judges, Money for vote and distribution of liquor, Nepotism for high position, Money Taking and printing reports, this is all corruption and it is increasing day by day in other countries besides India and no area is spared from corruption.
The education department has also not remained untouched by corruption; it is becoming the center of corruption. From admission to all kinds of education processes and getting a job, from transfer to promotion, there is corruption of the highest level!
Reasons that lead to corruption
Due to corrupt politics every other politician in our country is corrupt, their image is tarnished yet they remain politicians and are running the government.
- Due to nepotism, big officers misuse their positions to get jobs for their relatives, even if that person is unfit for that job, due to which unemployment spreads in the country.
- For false appearances and performances.
- To get a false social reputation.
- Big industrialists of the country give bribes to big officers to save their tax, so that they do not have to pay tax, due to which there is a shortage of money for the development of our country. Due to this, both the industrialists and senior officers of our country become corrupt.
- Having the mindset to live with a shameless character without being afraid of unrighteousness and sin.
- Desire to earn money without working hard.
- Lack of patriotism.
- Lack of human sensibilities.
- Due to poverty, hunger and rising inflation, unemployment, population growth and personal selfishness.
- facile law and order.
- Due to the huge decline in moral values.
- Because of the habit of living in material luxury and luxury.
- Because of considering money as everything.
- Due to lack of education, poor people are not able to take advantage of government schemes because the people’s representatives there do not inform them about those schemes and digest all the money themselves.
- Corrupt political parties do their wrong propaganda through social media and also publicize the work which has not been done.
- Some corrupt leaders of the country do politics to the people of our country even in the name of language. People keep fighting with each other due to the dispute of their language and by taking advantage of this the corrupt leaders execute new scams.
- When someone suffers due to lack, he is forced to behave corruptly.
Impacts of corruption:-
- Due to corruption, the economic development of our country has stopped.
- Due to corruption, our country is lagging behind in every field as compared to other countries.
- Due to corruption, even today basic facilities like electricity, water and roads have not reached our village.
- The gap between the rich and the poor is increasing day by day when most of the wealth is with a few. Due to corruption, the benefits of the schemes made by the government do not reach the poor.
- Due to corruption, nepotism is encouraged, due to which unqualified people also remain in such positions.
- Due to this, farmers do not get the right price for their crops and they are forced to commit suicide due to debt.
- The disease of corruption has spread in government and non-government organizations in such a way that the common man has to pay bribes to the big officers and leaders to get their work done; Black marketing is encouraged due to corruption…Goods of low value are sold at a high price.
- Due to the access of mafia people to big leaders, they do illegal business, due to which both people and money are wasted. Big officials misuse their position to benefit their relatives and friends. Such officials meet corrupt people, They do big scams due to which the whole government system gets corrupted.
- Due to corruption, many projects remain incomplete and crores of rupees of the government exchequer go waste.
- Due to corruption, the image of our country has become very bad in the world, many foreign countries do not want to do business with our country.
- It is because of corruption that foreigners are afraid to come to our country. Every day one or the other scam happens, due to which the image of our nation is getting tarnished completely.
- Due to no strict rule being made by the government to prevent corruption, the morale of the corrupt people is increasing day by day, due to which the number of scams has increased in comparison to the old years.
Anti-corruption act:-
To deal with corruption, the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 has been enacted in our country. This act is also applicable to all citizens of India outside India. Under this, any person who is in government service, central, provincial, state, or any judge, any person who is in agriculture, industry, bank, any registered society, vice-chancellor, professor, teacher, employee, all there is a provision of punishment under this act and special judges are appointed to determine its punishment, so that the disease like corruption can be uprooted from our country and this act is creating fear in the minds of the people!
Measures Of Prevention
(1)- Lokpal law should be appointed in every state, union territory and center without any delay, who are directly responsible to the President. Even the Prime Minister should be included in his field of work.
(2)- A person should be administered an oath before work in every field so that he always remembers this oath.
(3)- The election system should be made easier and less expensive so that people associated with social service and public welfare can also participate in elections.
(4)- Public should also be involved in administrative matters.
(5)- Lokpal should work independently for administrative work.
(6)- It is necessary to change the mindset of people through law and government.
(7)- The right salary should be increased at the right time.
(8)- There should be no less employees in the government office according to the requirement.
(9)- Opposition to corruption will also prove to be very effective in stopping it.
(10)- Whoever may be the culprit of corruption, he should be given harshest punishment. The law should be short and effective, not flexible but strict.
(11)- If we want a country free from corruption, then we have to make people aware of corruption. In rural areas, people do not even know when someone has done dishonesty with them, so we have to go from village to village and make people aware of the growing corruption.
(12)- Whenever any government tender or government recruitment comes out, then big leaders and often people give that job or tender to their relatives without any qualification, due to which the economy of our country goes into the hands of such people who have no knowledge about it; The government should make strict laws by bringing rules on this and ban nepotism.
(13)- Due to lack of education, people are not able to choose a good public representative, due to which they have to face diseases like bribery and corruption.
Author’s Note
Today corruption has spread completely in our country India. Almost all types of IT companies in India, big offices, despite having a good economy, India is far behind in the race to develop in a complete way, the biggest reason for this is corruption; be it any person of the society, be it a government employee or a political leader, be it the field of education-corruption has made its home everywhere,Today corruption has increased in India in such a way that at some places without corruption work is not done at all. It is a great irony to have corruption in a developing and democratic country like India. Our national character seems to be getting tarnished, which is nothing less than throwing mud at our country. Our moral standard has fallen so low that we do not think about other people at all. Our country was known for truth, non-violence, hard work, modesty, and cultural values, but today all these things are not seen in 21st century India, because of which our country is losing its original image somewhere. The cancer of corruption is destroying the health of our country; It remains a bigger threat than terrorism. If we have to root out corruption, then politicians, government machinery and the public have to fight together against it, only then can we save our country from this demon of corruption.
Written By – Aryan Gaur
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