What Are The Various Types Of Pollutions?
keywords – Pollution, air pollution, health issues, pollution in India, climate change
The world, we are living in is polluted in various ways. Today, pollution has become a major threat for humans. Basic human needs like air, water and food are contaminated in many ways. This impurity around us affects our bodies and causes many diseases. Lancet Planetary Health says that 23.5 lakh people died in 2019 due to pollution in India.
What is pollution?
Pollution is also known as the environmental pollution caused by the emission of various gases, smoke, chemicals which make it harmful to humans, animals and plants. The developing countries are facing more pollution problems. Climate change is also one of the impacts of pollution.
Types of pollution
Majorly there are 7 types of pollution –
1. Air Pollution
Air gets polluted by the burning of fossil fuels, plastics, smoking, and harmful gases like carbon-di-oxide, carbon-monoxide, sulphur-di-oxide etc. The other main source for air pollution is construction work, industries and vehicles which emits more harmful gases. In India, we are emitting around 50% of carbon-di-oxide. Our capital Delhi is facing the same problem.
Effects of Air pollution
It affects our respiratory organs, heart, causes cancer, damages nervous system, death etc. Due to air pollution, the child in the mother’s womb gets affected which results in premature birth. Not only humans but animals and plants are also affected. Acid rain and blocking sunlight are also caused by air pollution.
To reduce CO2, we have to plant more trees.
Industries must refine and use long chimneys to emit gases.
Avoid using plastics
2. Noise Pollution
The sound that makes unwanted disturbances to human is called noise pollution.
A decibel is the term used to measure sound. Sound ranges from 20 to 120 decibels.
We can hear up to 75 decibels without any harm. Sounds more than 75 decibels are danger to humans.
The horn sound from vehicles in traffic, rock breaking, train sound, industries sound, and ship sound are harm to us.
Effects of Noise pollution
The most common problem caused by noise pollution is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disturbances and stress.
By planting trees like Banyan, neem etc. Along the sides of road we can reduce sound pollution in road. Industries should be built faraway from people living areas. Vehicles should be maintained regularly.
In order to prevent noise pollution, government has passed many act. Each and everyone should follow these rules strictly.
3. Water Pollution
This is the second most pollution in the world. Water is the main source for every living being. Today this water is contaminated by industrial wastes, chemicals (like fertilizer, pesticides), plastics, sewage and garbage wastes. Most of the people are using this contaminated water for drinking, washing and for daily usage.
Rivers are the main source of water in India. But it is polluted by industrial wastes.
Most of the people depend on the river water for irrigation. This chemical mixed water affects soil also. A survey says that 70% of water is unfit for usage in India.
Effects of water Pollution
Intake of polluted water causes cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, tuberculosis, jaundice, etc. A report says that 80% of stomach diseases are due to drinking polluted water.
Industrial wastes and sewage should be treated well before mixing in to the river.
Usage of fertilizers and pesticides should be controlled. Garbage wastes and plastic should not be mixed with water.
4. Soil Contamination
Nowadays soil is also polluted by the chemicals used in agriculture, petroleum hydrocarbons, industries, electronic waste, medical waste, and garbage wastes. These chemicals turns soil into toxic which is harmful to humans, animals and plants.
Effects of soil pollution
It makes headaches, vomit, nausea, weakness and affects central nervous system, kidney, liver and various kind of cancer on human.
It affects organic soil matter which acts as a filter for soil. The groundwater is also affected and causes imbalance in soil nutrients. Good microbes in soil are destroyed due to the usage of pesticides and fertilizers. Plants growth is also affected.
The usage of fertilizers and pesticides should be minimized. Garbage wastes should be separated into decomposable and non decomposable. Crops can be cultivated in rotation instead of using same crop all times.
5. Radioactive contamination
The presence of radioactive substances on surfaces or solids, liquids or gases is called radioactive pollution. It may occur naturally or human made. Once the radioactive substance released into the environment, it affects air, soil, water, plants, buildings, humans and animals. The power plants are releasing radioisotopes into water. None of us can forget about Hiroshima Nagasaki nuclear blast.
Effects of Radioactive pollution
The exposure to radiation causes skin burns, genetic changes (DNA), reduces life span, hair fall, and thyroid. Plant chromosomes are also affected. Radiation in water affects the bones of the fishes.
Radioactive waste disposal should be done in proper way. Labels can be used for radioactive wastes so no mans will get in touch. Nuclear tests can be banned. Instead of radioactive energy, we can try other types of energy.
6. Thermal Pollution
Manufacturing industries and power plants use water to reduce heat in the machines. This hot water is mixed with river, lakes, ponds or oceans which increases the temperature of water suddenly is called thermal pollution.
Effects of thermal Pollution
The oxygen level in the water reduces and is not suitable for aquatic plants and animals to survive. It plays the vital role in climate change. The frozen water of Antarctica is getting changed. The temperature rises during summer season.
Cool ponds can be used for storing heated water. Working of machines can be reduced. Before letting out water, it must be treated.
7. Plastic Pollution
A survey says that, the world produces about 380 million tones of plastic every year which turns into pollutant. These plastic pollutants on the surface make plastic pollution.
Effects of Plastic
Plastics bags are in taken by animals which lead to death. Burning of plastic causes air pollution. It takes many years to decompose and the toxin released by them affects soil and groundwater.
Usage of plastic bags can be controlled. We can reuse the plastic bottles by planting plants. Nowadays, it is used to lay roads and built buildings.
Awareness is the best way to control the pollution. By encouraging eco-friendly model for industry and farming we can control all these pollutions.
Written By – Jaya Ambika
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