‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ – The World Is One Family
Keywords – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Global Integration, world Peace, The World Is One Family
‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ is a sentiment in which the whole society has been told that the whole world is one family, whether we look at it from a material point of view or from a spiritual point of view. It is clear in both that there is no difference between all the human beings in the world. The way all the members of a family depend on each other, in the same way we are also dependent on each other. It binds us all together.
Every living being on the earth, be it human, animal or animal, family is their priority for all living beings. All living beings love their family, they are companions of their happiness and sorrow. However, it is not that there are no fights and ideological differences in the family. But, these differences of opinion are for a few moments. Even if there is tension between them, they never think of development by hurting each other.
This is the feeling a human being has towards other human beings and living beings all over the world when he “adopts the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”.
Before knowing about Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, you need to know what it means.
Meaning Of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam-
Let us understands the meaning of each of its words before understanding the combined meaning of the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumkabam. Vasudev means earth and Kutumb means family. Thus the combined meaning of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is “The Earth is one family”.
Just as no human being can think of harming his family, he/she does not harbor feelings of enmity towards his family. In the same way, by adopting the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, all human beings forget their differences and start living like a mutual family.
The sentence ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ represents the belief that all beings in the world should have kindness, compassion towards each other, and should treat each other with respect. They should try to live in peace and harmony.
Current Scenario & World Crisis
Presently we are living in a society with a mixed population with different religions, caste, and culture living in modernization and globalization. Till now we are living in the age of obscurity (Age of Kali Yuga) where we are facing many bad conditions like fear and insecurity, injustice, theft, starvation, poverty, tyranny, terrorism threats.
Mankind is currently facing enormous social and ecological difficulties. At this time, we are fighting not only our existence and physical battle, but also such a battle is going on, where the identity of human being, humanity is also at stake.
Today man is facing all kinds of problems. Relationships have lost value. Far from seeing the whole world from the point of view of one’s own family, people are not afraid of harming their own family because of their greed. Morality is disappearing among the people, the level of sensitivity in the hearts has reduced now. People keep thinking only about their benefits, even if they have to go to any extent for that, people are ready to go.
Time Calls For Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam-
There is a need of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam once again to re-establish peace in the world so that people can feel oneness despite different differences. It is very necessary to have such a feeling for coexistence, otherwise one day the human race will reach the brink of extinction.
This is the ideal opportunity for each of the social leaders, youth pioneers, religious pioneers and educational pioneers to think together for another vision of the world as Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – one family and to actualize this vision to build harmony, Working together to change.
Diffrenece Between Eastern & Western Philosophy
We have gathered a common public, which is manipulative and volatile. Today we are living in a very dangerous situation, where human existence is being challenged by humans themselves, Circumstances are changing every moment. Our general public is worried. Signs of destruction are constantly taking control of the lifestyle. Biological emergencies, increasing poverty along with population growth, hunger and cruelty, an economically unequal world, arms race and warlike nature are the real factors of destruction of the human race today, forcing humans to think whether they themselves are inviting Destruction?
Globalization ~ “The world is one market”
According to western view globalization means “the world is one market” people mean only till profit. This is the time of globalization, which means corruption, conflict and violence due to declining human values, giving more importance to money than human values. ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ for example “The world is one family”According to the Eastern point of view we believe that Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam means the world is one family. It means that the whole world is one family, which through ancient wisdom carries forward a culture of universal citizenship and harmony.
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – ‘The world is still one family’. India has also been a bearer of harmony in the past as it was India, who enunciated the general concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, which means, ‘the whole world is one family’.
The whole duty of the general public is to make the thinking of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam a reality. Whenever the general public is not vested with the spirit of unity, then betrayal and decline of harmony will be seen in the general public.
Significance Of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam-
The concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam was given by the ancient sages of India only. The aim of this concept was to establish peace among all the living beings of the earth, to make human beings helpful towards each other so that humanity can flourish.
In India, the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam was ingrained in all the people since ancient times. That’s why India gave shelter to people of every caste and religion. But in India, between the 16th and 17th centuries, European countries started colonizing it and tried to create divisions among the people of the country, due to which the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam slowly started to decline. To live in harmony all religions should be respected.
The Principles Of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam-
- Building a new world order
We should follow these principles to make the world as one family with the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and create a new world order. The First Principle of Oneness All individuals are interdependent in a specific way, connected to the earth as a whole. Everyone’s existence is not possible without the other, so we should respect each other.
- Acceptance and Tolerance
Tolerance works on inter-religious agreement and relationship between individuals and between social systems and countries.
- Cooperation and Respect
Human solidarity is based on participation and respect for each other. “Accept and respect all religions as we respect our own”.
- Love
“Love and compassion for others open the door to solidarity of individuals and solidarity of religions.”
- Understanding and Compassion
The third guideline of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – The world is one family, the essence of which comes from finding out who am I? Also, to live life peacefully it is necessary to develop our understanding about different religions and different societies. Empathy for all living things in all circumstances. Empathy is the establishment of solidarity and world harmony.
- Ahimsa (non-violence)
For a peaceful person, the whole world is one family. He will not be afraid of anyone, nor will others be afraid of him.
- Exchange
The fourth guideline is the principle of discourse. Harmony can be achieved through dialogue. Dialogue between religions produces common connections and a deeper understanding of beliefs. Understanding of faiths and religions furthers a culture of harmony and amity and helps us to live as one family under God.
The concept of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ teaches everyone to forget mutual enmity and live together in peace. Our ancient sages had already realized this concept. That’s why many sages and many great social workers worked from time to time to convince the people fighting in the name of religion, caste and community in the society and in the country. Everyone will remain united only then they can face the biggest problem. They supported each other adopting the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam when the whole world was tense and turbulent during the Covid-19 pandemic. Only then this epidemic could be conquered.
Therefore, if the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” remains, then only the world will develop and all the living beings of the world will be able to live peacefully.
Written By – Aryan Gaur
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