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Technology At The Cost Of Environment

The innovative and creative human mind has given a new direction to the  world, given the best luxurious lifestyle, and with new inventions & globalized  technicality made life very comfortable, but at what cost all are we running after the glittery world? 

Importance of Technology & Its Harmful Effects 

Technology and new inventions are priceless assets, making the world connect in a small handy device, a modern way of communicating through modern means of transport, and robotic intelligence has given birth to new revolutionary diversity in the technical world. Those innovative devices or revolutionary make work easier, faster, and save time.  

Ignoring the truth and facts, humans are destroying the ecosystem, nature, wildlife, and  natural resources, which are more important for mental & physical health for the survival of all  the existing species. 

It is making the human species’ immune system weaker, lethargic, privacy at risk, emotionless, and greedy. Above that, the automated machinery process of working is  replacing humans, becoming one of the causes of unemployment. 

Technology Destroying The Planet

Technology has played a toxic role in causing air pollution, industrial waste, and climate  disturbance, affecting the ozone layer, which absorbs the harmful UV radiation from the  earth. Those radiations make the air and water polluted; All the species of ‘the planet earth’ are  surviving on those two natural resources, but for the ease and materialistic kind of life,  humans are turning to self-destruction and manufacturing the most dangerous weapons against themself and all the other species. Our future is blank, and we are running after the darkness of evilness because of momentary fake glitters and destroying our natural abilities. 


Modern electronic gadgets contain toxic components such as mercury, lead, polybrominated,  barium, and lithium, resources used to run those heavy gadgets and leave their carbon  footprints in the atmosphere. New technology comes in, and old machinery gadgets get retired;  the worst part is electronic gadgets types of machinery get manufactured with mixed components  such as plastic, metal, and glass. That makes recycle process very challenging, and the e-waste  ratio is much higher than the recycling process. That is very dangerous for humans and the  environment, as those toxic & deadly chemicals make the ground-level air and water  contaminated. 57.4 Mt (Million Metric Tonnes) of e-waste was generated in 2021, which will  go up by 120 Mt per year by 2050.

Negative Impacts Of Excess Technology

Mining For Natural Mineral Resources 

The environment is paying the cost of technology. It is necessary to consider what toxic material  is getting mixed with the resources for manufacturing gadgets or machines. Precious natural resources like zinc, copper and aluminum are involved in manufacturing. Digging out the  natural minerals consumes high energy and a high carbon cost that releases Carbon dioxide. Mining is also responsible for water pollution, forest demolition, and landscapes. 

High Power Consumption & Carbon Footprints 

The Mining of resources is the beginning of the exploitation of the environment. The  components mixed with raw materials in the process of manufacturing highly advanced  machines or gadgets require massive energy consumption to make it a sophisticated-complex  technological product that is more dangerous. Those manufacturing power plants release  carbon and toxic gases, which are responsible for the birth of multiple disorders and diseases  in humans and animals because the carbon footsteps are spreading the pollution in the air and  water. 

After manufacturing, the usage of those sophisticated temporary products repeats all of the toxic  processes, and air & water pollution is the best example. Any means of transport, home  appliances, gadgets, and machines produce air, water, and noise pollution. After a few years of  highly advanced technical machinery becomes the e-waste, and the junk waste increases by an  average of approximately 2% per year. 

Technology Companies are doing no less than terrorism, as competition between the  companies results in a technology disaster. 

The solution is there, but technology comes with complications, and advanced technology  companies are taking advantage. For the benefits and competitive market, companies don’t allow  their brainy-minded employees to disclose the hidden facts about resolving the issues from the  users of complicated devices. That leads the user to buy new environmental junk. As all are so  much dependent on ‘e-junk devices.’ For example, in the greed of profit, they build planned  obsolescence into their products and hide the fact of the resolution, so the customer of  dependable products can use that device for a limited period. 

Deadly weapons 

The creative mind is not limiting the destruction to the atmosphere only or those greedy devices  manufacturers.

In a complicated technological world, some human minds are busy with new inventions, and  those masterminds are responsible for manufacturing the deadliest weapons for the  “protection of their countries.” The government of those countries allows those masterminds to  work with arming companies to manufacture weapons that can destroy or end another country  in the blink of an eye. The nuclear attack in 1945 World War 2 was just a trailer. Since then,  humans only have created those destructive weapons got so much advanced and destructive that one button can destroy the MANKIND.  


Mining, pollution, carbon released in the whole process complex e-waste, and deadly weapons  disturbance in the environment caused by the interference of the creative human mind have  disturbed the atmosphere. That is global warming and the shifting causing the core of the earth’s  magnetic fields.  

The human species have created technology, weapons, and gadgets. But those materialistic  junks cannot become humans and upgrade themselves to compete with its upgrade version. Still, the creative species is running behind the technology, and all the operative systems of that  e-waste are in the hand of technical developers.  

The question remains the same, “when the destruction of the environment will get  controlled?” 

Crux Of All Environmental Junk & Suggested Solutions

What those advanced weapons or highly advanced machinery will do if the  human brains will not remain behind to operate them? 

Without innovative minds, any technology is just a waste. We can reduce  technology’s harmful effects on your beautiful nature environment significantly.  As consumers create the demand, customers are among us only, and we often  have more power than multinational billionaire companies. The belief of every  consumer in making a positive, leaving technology behind for; the sake of a  healthy & safe future will create a positive impact on our beautiful nature, and  environmental protection can bring change. That will make our natural  resources recover. In the race for development or upgrading with technology, we  are using our natural resources in a negative way. Not giving the chance to  reproduce to our nature to produce natural minerals.

All humans earn for their families and wellness. Even multinational  company owners are humans and want a healthy and clean environment to  survive. Every species on this planet needs fresh air and clean water for  survival. At what cost do we need the disputes and war, and why is a need to  manufacture deadly weapons? 

Written By : Ankur Verma 


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