Sarva Dharma Sambhava : A Unique Concept
It is rightly said by Mahatma Gandhi that GOD HAS NO RELIGION. ‘Sarva Dharma Sambhava’ is a unique concept that is mentioned in our constitution which represents the secularism of India. This concept emerged after India got independence, with the influence of Gandhi Ji’s thought that was rooted in our culture and tradition.
The word ‘Sarva Dharma Sambhava’ in its literal sense means that all the Dharma’s i.e. principles of truths are equal to and harmonious with each other. ‘Dharma’ refers to principles and natural laws which are universally true. These are the principles that a person should follow as they are accepted by each and every religion along with its members. There is another Dharmic principle that plays an integral part of living i.e. ‘Karma’ tells that our actions have its consequences either in the present time or in the near future. Thus, Dharma and Karma go hand in hand.
Sarva Dharma Sambhava is termed as giving equal respect to all the religions because they are the only path to take us to God or some spiritual goal. Gandhi Ji believed that religion is a source that would integrate the nation together rather than dividing them as every religion asks its disciples to respect the other religions and to practice non-violence. It is believed that every person has the right to practice any religion they want to choose and identify themselves to be belonging to that particular religion and worshiping a particular god as all are the same. All religions are equally valid ways for knowing the God or the truth thus, our constitution provides provisions of freedom to practice and propagate religion subject to public order, morality and health in Article 25 of the Indian Constitution.
It means that all the people have the freedom to practice their religion , and the state would not discriminate among the citizens on the grounds of religion. Which also means that every person has the equal responsibility to respect other religions equally. This non-discrimination by state and equal respect for all religions by citizens collectively, came to be known as SARVA DHARMA SMABHAVA. Although the right to freedom of religion has been guaranteed by our constitution, but at the same time we as the citizens of India have the duty to practice this right in a civilized manner , for the development and betterment of the society. We are the only civilisation of the world who appreciates different faiths and sentiments, and that difference in faith does not mean that we as humans are different. It simply means that the medium to connect to god is different, and nothing else.
The concept of secularism was given in detail by the Supreme Court in the case of S.R Bommai v. Union of India where it mentioned that secularism does not means an atheist society but it means a heterogeneous society which provides equal status to all religions without discriminating any particular religion. In western countries the idea of secularism means to keep the state separate from religion, while the Indian philosopher’s thought states secularism in India by treating all the religion equally.
The idea of Sarva Dharma Sambhava was a religious one, which clearly means to treat every religion equally, but this idea has now turned primarily as a political concern in India. In order to create social harmony we need to honour all the religions as equal, so that no religious differences give fuel to social conflicts. But, unfortunately the religious conflicts have not disappeared. This is because, just by pretending that all the religions are the same going in accordance with the principles, can not remove the real difference and misunderstandings amongst them. In a country like India religious beliefs should be a personal matter, and no government should enforce any kind of religious beliefs or dogmas. There needs to be political tolerance for all the religious views as long as they do not indulge in violent or anti-national activities.
In view of the present scenario it is very difficult to treat all the religions with the same emotions and zeal, irrespective of the fact that the disciple or follower belongs to which religion. Although the term Sarva Dharma Sambhava gives the idea of mankind and humanity, it teaches to respect the creatures of God and be one to all.
The religious groups in India vehemently oppose each other on certain aspects like Hinduism allows the use of images in religious worships but in Islam’s they don’t accept this kind of worship . What is accepted in one community may be unacceptable or considered as a taboo for another community. It’s time for bringing harmony by following Dharma and not making people respect other religious beliefs or dogmas. One must follow Dharma in such a way that our Karma(actions) do not harm the other person or the society by following the principles of truth and harmony. It should also be noted that what is dharma today may not be dharma tomorrow, so the meaning of Dharma must be changed according to the time and society.
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