
Pseudo-Feminism: A Potential Decimation of Men

This doctrine having a colour of misandry has now become “Pseudo-Feminism” pointing to the potential decimation of men. 

Author: Pragya Goyal


“Feminism” is a topic that has gathered fuel in recent past years. In essence, feminism means an equal status and dignity to the women community in society. It stems from the fact that the females have been subjected to a lot of infliction and slanderous comments made against them. Feminism was meant to uplift women and empower them but of late it is operating at superficial levels only. 

Feminism has various social and economic ramifications which need to be evaluated to get to the root cause of the problem. The modern-day ‘Fake Feminism’ is a gender-driven philosophy. 

It is a predisposition aimed at demeaning the masculine community so that women can prove their superiority.  

What a sadistic attire the entire thing has gone into!!!! 

This doctrine having a colour of misandry has now become “Pseudo-Feminism” pointing to the potential decimation of men. 

Sexuality impelled (as the name suggests) Feminism is supposedly propagated by insecure females to satisfy ego and revenge against misogyny. Feminism cannot be adopted in silos. It needs to be separated from a gendercide carrying the propaganda of hatred towards men. 

Women have indeed been downtrodden in the past or they have been deprived of fundamental rights but it doesn’t also mean the masculine segment of the society is made to suffer in the name of so-called gender equality. 

Lucknow Incident

Take the example of the Lucknow incident which happened a few months back -The thing didn’t go down well with the girl who beat the poor guy just to fulfill her whims or should one say, to gather public sympathy and gain the status of a poor girl who fought back.  Who gave her the right to resort to violence which is an imprisonable offence? Let me tell you if it was the other way round, the guy would have received a severe backlash and police cases. Not to forget the society taunts and disrespect his family had to face. 

What does one infer when a person’s identity, character, the moral disposition is determined wholly based on his gender? 

Gender- which is entirely a natural phenomenon out of one’s control. The existence of human life has been reduced to just categorising his biological traits. 

Even in love relationships, these days the 50-50 partnership concept has no relevance. A female is characterized by gentleness, mildness & sensitivity but at times the men although tagged as rough & tough might be going through a bad phase and all they need is a little bit of love and support from their partners. 

MARD KO BHI DARD HOTA HAI!! So, the men also do need attention contrary to the popular belief that only women need care & attention. 

There is this saying that goes, “If a girl wants to be treated like a queen, then she should treat her counterpart like a king” which is biased since nowhere in this world has been written that you deserve a special treatment merely because you have a different sensitive genetic make-up. 

The reservation for women is justified as long it yields the desired benefits. Say in buses,  The seats are reserved for women but consider a scenario where an old man who can barely stand can’t find a seat. The seat for ladies is occupied by a young girl who can afford to stand and offer the old man her seat on humanitarian grounds. Rather she tries to bully him because the seat is reserved for women. 

Indian Penal Code

To aggravate the situation, the situation has been legitimized by Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code and places biased reliance and giving unlimited powers to the women. Over the years, women seem to have used it to their advantage. The Justice which is equal for all but Section 375 cites the crimes committed against women by men whereas it fails to list down the instances of exploitation of men. The woman in Law is blindfolded but in reality; we have turned a blind eye to the pitiable condition men have been reduced to. 

Women have been dominating men in the recent past where they use it to have it their way. Say a girl likes a boy, but he politely rejects her; which he shouldn’t because he is bound to like her back since she expressed as clearly telling the truth. Refusing to accept the proposal out loud is not an option here or else; she will falsely implicate him on any false charges without any fault of his. 

The behaviour towards someone and respect shouldn’t be gender-biased. In a nutshell, a  man should not be viewed from a cynical lens always. The concept has gradually taken the form of a weapon with men at the receiving end ALWAYS!! Women play Victim Card to project themselves as innocent to pin the blame on to the other person thereby causing a hard blow to the reputation. 

It is time for us to wake up from slumber. What’s with this glorifying women at the cost of the male community?? 

It seems that the patriarchal system can only be shaken by pushing it off the edge so that women have a better chance of standing on the winning stand.  

Let’s broaden our minds so that we can be considerate of both standpoints. And create a space so big so that both genders can co-exist in peace while maintaining mutual respect. Let’s open our minds to the possibility of males & females living; otherwise, there would be a need for another concept – “Meninism”.

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