Mental wellbeing
keywords – mental wellbeing, mental health, psycology
Written By – Jill Shah
“Mental health problems don’t define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but, importantly, YOU ARE NOT THE RAIN.”
— Matt Haig
To all these things happening in the world, including stress, war, unemployment, there will be a time coming in near future where we human being will be paying to go into hibernation like a bear and disappear for a while. Sounds cringe?
We are today earning in six-seven digits and can afford to set up a gym for maintaining physical wellbeing, but what about our deteriorating mental wellbeing. The irony is when mental wellbeing gets disturbed, we again pay in hospitals, psychiatrist and depression centres.
It is historically and scientifically proven that when a person is not brave enough physically but strong enough mentally, many things have been turned out in his favour.
Example: – Akbar-Birbal, Chanakya, and Lord Krishna during Mahabharata.
So how to get ourselves to focus towards mental health?
You will find articles on mental health indicating to do meditation, yoga and reading. Correct?
But why it is important and what are more attracting ways to nurture our mental health?
Poor mental health makes us more vulnerable to certain physical health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
5 Steps to mental wellbeing
- Connect with other people. Good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing.
- Be physically active. Being active is not only great for your physical health and fitness but also mental health
- Learn new skills. Such as sketching, writing, dancing
- Give to others. Respect, presents and your time
- Pay attention to the present moment, mindfulness is the key.
You probably have good mental health if:
- you are confident when faced with new situations or people.
- you feel optimistic.
- you do not always blame yourself.
- you set goals.
- you feel good about yourself.
- you have good self-esteem.
What if you encountered not being mentally well?
I guess it is completely normal. Start taking steps to recover and regain again.
“I did not want to be in the situation I was. I wanted to come out of it desperately. As they say that every solution is within your own self, I found the strength within me.”
–Deepika Padukone
We in many situations in life get baffled among the things happening to us, but where there is a will there is a way. You just need to find strength within, trust the process and be conscious of yourself.
Wish you all a happy well-being!