

Men’s rights, we don’t really speak up about it, not openly at least. And one might feel flabbergasted, if only one finds out the reason behind it.

AUTHOR : Vanshika and Sagar (CPJ College)

Catchy topic, isn’t it? But more than being catchy, it’s a topic of concern. Men’s rights, we don’t really speak up about it, not openly at least. And one might feel flabbergasted, if only one finds out the reason behind it. The reason behind not speaking about men’s rights is, well, are they so important to be discussed about? Do men actually hold so much importance in our society that we’re actually going to write a 1000 word article about it? This line of questioning might unlock the furious side of one, but quite frankly, it is what it is. At least for the past few days, n-uh, at least for the past few years it feels like so. Men, who used to be considered as the ‘shield of the family’, are now nothing but a threat to society. And, these are not exactly my words, but the words of the feministic societal norms.

Feminism– there’s the word, which started as a revolutionary movement, but now feels nothing but a mission to jeopardize the position of men’s in our society. Quite frankly speaking, what started as a movement to protect women’s rights, provide equal opportunities to both men and women when placed in the same sectors; has now taken turns towards the high roads of sabotaging men. Mission sabotage men aka pseudo-feminism. Too abrupt, isn’t it? But don’t we all feel the same way about the misappropriation done on our parts to men. And, this is not me spitting just words, but there are instances which prove every word of this article. Not only prove but also validate.

The recent example is the infamous Lucknow girl and the Cab Driver case. This case was pretty simple and straightforward. Beginning with facts, a girl was crossing the road. The girl thrashed a fellow cab driver, who in no way was planning to kill the girl or injure her in any possible way. The girl not only thrashed the driver but also asked the passerby to do the same. And, just like any shite person would do, the passerby without finding any good reason did the same. This matter came into the limelight and public eye, when videos went viral all across the internet, explaining another good reason why men need to be protected. How? Because saving a man from being bitten up without any reason, isn’t as fun as making a video and posting it. Apparently, the internet seems to have more power than Indian men do. Anyway, coming back to the misdoings of a girl, she not only beat the man up, but justifies her act by claiming her insanity and behavioral disorder.

Ah, like biting him up wasn’t enough right? So, you see, it’s that easy to beat a man and get away with it. No offence to the hon’ble court, but I see the day when the plausible justification for beating up your husband / boyfriend / father / brother / friend / neighbor would be – “I was feeling like it.” Harsh? Wait, till you read about the other misdoings happening to men. Now, it occurs to me that “but look at what they do women”. See, there is no competition to the misdoings of one to another. I wonder the day that happens, we surely can ace an Olympic medal for that. Jokes apart, no level of comparison can justify the acts of women or men, towards either of them. We humans are meant to protect each other from such atrocities. Instead, we watch and make videos. The topic says, “men’s rights: where are they?” Seriously, where are they? Even if they are present in our society, they are like needles in the haystack.

On the contrary, when we speak of rights for women, well, well, the constitution makers and the amendment committee couldn’t have been more generous. And this generosity is not only limited to the constitution, but it also extends to the day-to-day “activities” and “places”. For example, the reserved seats for women in the metro, women’s quota in colleges, jobs, etc. Like, the general quota category wasn’t enough. Let’s seamlessly avoid the conversation ‘bout SC, ST, OBC quota. As a girl, with all due respect to the authorities, I, and when I write ‘I’, I speak for myself, I don’t need a special seat in a metro rail. Moreover, I don’t need a special status at all. All we as a society require is to stop looking at girls or women as a creature meant to be respected, only because of their gender. Instead, equal opportunities and equal status as a man would get, would be appreciated. But, as of now, even the men’s are deprived of that status. It wouldn’t be astonishing if one day a man wakes up and starts the movement of “men-ism”. I hope it will make sense one day. Given the rate at which we are jeopardizing the sole cause of ‘feminism’, it would take less than a decade for men to do so. 

This all can be stopped, you know. This menace of vandalizing one another can be put to an end. How? Well, start with the “no special status” policy. All we women ask for is equal opportunities and rights, right? Start with that. Start treating both the genders as equals. Stop with the comparisons of “who suffers more”. 75% of the problems would be solved if we stopped comparing and started equalizing. Begin at the ground level. How so? Start with kids. Don’t teach boys to be muscular because they have to grow up like that. Teach them that liking pink is okay. Teach them that crying wouldn’t make them weak. Teach them both that speaking out about the wrongs done to them wouldn’t make them a crybaby. Teach yourselves that respect goes both ways. In order to feel respected, you have to learn to respect. Understand that your obscenity towards any other being, let alone the specific gender, cannot be justified with any empty headed excuse. Believe it or not, but these teachings are as necessary as water is to plants, metaphorically. Only then can we finally get rid of the concepts like ‘pseudo-feminism’, ‘misogynist’, etc. 



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