Laws Protecting Building from Fire in India | Fire Safety
Author : Ms. Vrinda Agrawal
Fire accidents have been a major issue of concern throughout the country. In 2015, India reported 18,450 fire accidents, injuring 1,193 persons and killing 17,700 persons according to the survey of National Crime Records Bureau(NCRB). Cases of fire accidents in commercial buildings have risen to 716 cases in 2015 from 179 cases in 2014, accidents have also risen in government buildings. The Accidental Deaths and Suicide in India(ADSI) Report of 2015 shows that fire outbreaks are more prone to happen in residential buildings with 3757 increase in the cases from 2014 to 2015. Thus, making it necessary to ensure fire safety in the country. Fire Accidents not only take place in buildings, it has also destroyed forests of many countries with Amazon burning for over a month. Reports show that fire accidents in buildings in India take place due to improper implementation of Fire Safety Standards. To save a few pennies builders risk the innocent lives of many people. With the rise in construction of residential buildings the danger of fire damages has increased significantly, such buildings are complex in nature, also making the evacuation process difficult causing damage to life as well as the property.
First fire service department in India was established in Bombay in the year 1803 and was then followed by Calcutta(1822), Delhi(1867) and Madras(1908). Napoleon Bonaparte in France created the first professional firefighter known as Sapeurs-Pompiers.
Since fire services are mentioned in the Indian Constitution under 12th Schedule, the department comes under the domain of Municipalities, State Government and Union Territories. It is their responsibility to prevent fire accidents to take place as well as protect people if fire accidents have taken place. The authority which looks after proper implementation of the standard requirements is under the Ministry of Home Affairs while in some states it is under Municipal Corporations. The lawmakers of the country created legislation that needs to be followed by the building developer so that no casualties happen due to non-implementation of standard norms. However, every state is required to formulate their own state regulations for fire safety, prevention and protection but it is necessary for these regulations to be in compliance with National Building Code.
The Standing Fire Advisory Committee (SFAC) was set up by the Government of India which was renamed to Standing Fire Advisory Council in 1980 under Ministry of Home Affairs.
The Indian Legislation has certain major laws which provide provisions for governance and fire safety. To prevent fire accidents every State Government and Local Bodies shall incorporate the provisions of National Building Code in their building regulations.
- The National Building Code of India, 2016
National Building Code (hereinafter referred as NBC) was published by the Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS). Latest (third) edition of NBC was published in 2016 with the recent improvement in construction activities, while its first edition was published in 1970. NBC is the primary legislation which specially deals with building construction and fire safety measures. This code gives basic safety measures which can be achieved reasonably, by the occupants of the building without any unreasonable hardships or interference. The code insists to adapt with minimum standards of safety while constructing a building in the public interest. It is recommended that the installation and equipment must be certified with BIS Certification Marks Scheme.
Detailed requirements of provisions dealing with fire prevention, fire safety and fire protection of a building as given under Part 4 of NBC titled as ‘Fire and Life Safety’. It limits the height of the building, construction guidance of the building is provided according to fire resistance of structural and non-structural components according to safety norms of the occupants and some other restrictions which are required to reduce danger of life by evacuating the building smoothly without any havoc and panic. The code majorly focuses on safety of an individual therefore, gives more importance to evacuation of the person from the location.
Part – 4 of NBC broadly covers :-
- FIRE PREVENTION : It provides the design of the buildings.
- Buildings are classified on the basis of occupancy.
- The demarcation, designation and number of Fire Zones depends on the type of building and the occupants living in it. Buildings with Overlapping Zones, zones with a major portion or more hazardous occupant shall be deemed fit. Existing buildings if modified requires approval from local fire authorities.
- Design and the Material used in constructing a building are major factors to prevent spread of fire and also evacuation.
- LIFE SAFETY : It provides provision of life safety in case of fire or emergency.
- Basic requirements to exit shall be met with clear visibility, properly marked routes and signs for easy accessibility to the occupants. Distance of exit points must be reasonable as mentioned in Table 22 of the code.
- Buildings with 15m in height and having an area of more than 500m^2 shall have a minimum two staircases and one of them shall be built on external walls. The staircase must be free from obstruction, made of non-combustible material and the route protected from smoke and toxic gasses through Pressurization Method.
- FIRE PROTECTION :Provide guidelines to choose the best equipment for fire protection. Fire extinguishers, automatic fire detection and alarm facilities shall be installed in the building based on occupancy and height with accepted standards. The equipment must be marked with luminous signs and located properly.
- FIRE DRILLS AND EVACUATION : Provides provisions for safe evacuation of the occupants by training them through drills so that at the time of emergency they don’t panic and are systematic.
The Fire Safety Audit(in compliance with NBC) has proved to be an effective means to assess safety standards , though there are no specific regulations regarding the scope, methodology and objective of the audit.
2. The Model Building Bye-Laws(MBBL), 2003
MBBL provides provisions for safety of buildings and gives guidelines to the State Government. The Chief Fire Officer is specifically responsible for clearing all fire related tests of a building. The Development Authority shall receive a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the chief fire officer after being satisfied with the fire safety norms as well as means of evacuation. Buildings for the purpose of public entertainment, assembly, hospitals, hotels and underground shopping complex shall get its fire clearance from the chief fire officer on an annual basis.
Even after being provided with the provisions, fire accidents still take place, this is because these norms are not met by the builders, also the occupants are not bothered to keep a regular check on fire prevention equipment. Accidents occur when buildings are not in compliance with fire safety measures; the builders or occupants do not bother to keep a regular check on fire prevention equipment that are installed. Authorities need to be responsible for proper implementation of fire services in the area as well as regular assessment of fire prevention equipment in the buildings should be done.
- Drills, Workshops shall be held in societies, schools, etc. to ensure safety of the occupants during the time of fire emergency.
- Fire Safety Audit by Third Party must be made compulsory and punishment shall be awarded to the one not submitting the reports.
- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment(HIRA) be focused to address inherent danger.
- Setting up a force which is capable of responding to any kind of emergency (3-5 minutes – Urban Areas ; 20 minutes – Rural Areas).
Awareness campaigns among the people, training should be provided about the equipment, proper implementation of guidelines and framework provided by the government and immediate response must be taken to rescue people from the location ; would reduce the fire accidents happening in the country which damages property, goods along with human lives.
This work has been published in FSAI National Journal by FSAI Chandigarh Chapter.
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