Indian Politics

Is Indian Politics a Good or a Bad Thing?

Keywords:- politics, India, constitution, political party, corruption, bribery, Indian Politics

Author: Aryan Gaur


Today, through this article, I will tell you whether politics is a good thing or a bad thing. Tell in simple language, politics is a form of a game. In which many teams and many players are present in each team but only one wins. Similarly many political parties contest elections and the winning party is the ruling party. The political system of India functions under the Constitution.

Some politicians and government employees have spoiled the image of the country’s politics and the condition of the country. Greed, corruption, poverty, and illiteracy have made Indian politics tainted. But it has not only tarnished the image but have also created the image by doing some good work. Politics has great importance in our country, wherever you look in India. The same politics is happening due to which hooliganism is increasing a lot and some politicians are doing good work by doing politics.


Politics is a group of two words Raj + Policy (Raj means governance and policy means the art of doing the right thing at the right time and right place). That is ruling through a specific policy or achieving a specific objective is called politics. In other words, it is politics to raise the people’s social and economic level (standard of public life). At the city level or the individual level, a special type of theory and practice is called politics. More narrowly speaking, getting a position in government and using a government position is politics.

 Many ways are adopted in politics, such as advancing political ideas, making laws, war against opponents, using powers etc. Politics can take place at many levels-from traditional village politics to local government, a sovereign state or the international-level.

History of politics is very ancient, the details of which can be seen in the oldest Sanatan Dharma texts of the world. The beginning of politics is very ancient even from the Ramayana period. Most of its details are seen in the Mahabharata epic. Be it the creation of Chakravyuh or the politics of defeating the Pandavas in the game of backgammon. Aristotle is called the father of politics.  It is generally seen that people have negative thoughts about politics, it is unfortunate, we need to understand that politics is an integral part of any society. Mahatma Gandhi once remarked that politics has made us snakes bound like a coil and there is no other way but to fight it. No society can survive without some structure of political organisation and collective decision.


The politics of India works within a parliamentary structure, with the head of state, the President and the Prime Minister of the country representing the government. India is a parliamentary federal democratic republic country. The polity of India works under a diarchy. With one acting as the central government and the other as the state government.

In a democratic country like India, the parliamentary form reflects the work of the government. In this way, the country’s Prime Minister is considered the government.  Although the head of the country is the President, all the reins are in the hands of the Prime Minister. The President is the supreme citizen of the country.


After independence from British rule, India became a democratic nation. This democracy is based on the concept of forming a government by the choice of the people. In this, there is such a group of political parties or parties, which are constituted by different classes and regions. After independence many political parties were formed in the country.  Some of these parties were at the national level while some were at the state level.  Later many state-level parties were declared as national-level parties because of their expansion.  These days some local parties have also taken birth in every state, which affects politics a lot.

Any political party, whether it is a national-level party or a state-level party, that party must have a symbol in the form of a symbol.  By having a symbol of a political party, people identify that party with the symbol, and it is also used as an election symbol. At the time of elections, people recognize the party through this symbol and cast their votes. These political parties are required to be registered by the Election Commission.

All political parties inform the common people about their various programs and their policies before the elections or during the election days. To collect the votes of common people, they attract them through various programs and rallies. They are also told about the achievements of their work and future policies. So that the public has faith in them that they will work for their benefit in future.

The Election Commission recognizes many political parties in Indian politics. Like- Bharatiya Janata Party, National Congress Party, Samajwadi Party, Bahujan Samajwadi Party, Aam Aadmi Party etc. whose dominance affects Indian politics.


Positive politics is not just a jumla of the floating type of psychology prevalent among the people. Politics does not mean that heartbreaking truths stand in front of our eyes. While we see them through the coloured glasses of happiness. It also does not mean that we should turn a blind eye to the things that sustain the republic that are being destroyed every day before our eyes. Doing positive politics also does not mean that we should keep this complacency. If India’s self-religion is facing a tremendous challenge now, then finally a day will come when this one-time challenge will end by itself. Doing positive politics does not mean that you blindfold yourself and step into an impossible life-threatening battle.

Positive politics means thinking ahead and thinking ahead, being efficient in taking steps towards the constructive political work that we have inherited and doing so with full self-confidence, and full solidarity.

 Positive politics only means overcoming your negativity and rising above it.  We should not be such that people think, ‘Hey toh hai hi har baat mein na karne wale’ or ‘he is anti-Modi’.  The politics of the opposition does not mean that we only keep opposing their politics, keep on criticizing, blaming and making allegations.  Of course, the government has failed to deal with Covid. But the opposition has to come forward and tell that it has an alternative-blueprint to protect the health of the people.


Despite the presence of many political parties in the Indian democratic country. Many of these problems have also come to the fore, which is a matter of great sadness. It is very necessary to remove them for the development and progress of our nation.

The first and foremost factor which is weakening the country’s politics and its development is “corruption”. In the country, getting any wrongdoing proved right by giving bribes is the cause of corruption. There is a lot of corruption in government sectors, All control is in the hands of political parties, and political parties make illegal recruitments by taking money to collect money in the interest of their party. Due to this, the future of bright and promising students of the country goes into darkness. The same money collected by political parties is used at the time of elections to solicit votes from people and to buy politicians to join their party.

 Before the elections, the politicians who behave very politely shower the people with promises of policies and progress. The scenario becomes completely different after the same politician wins the election.  There is absolutely no concern for the problems faced by the common people. In some places, even after winning the elections, the issue of politicians troubling the common people has also come to the fore.

Politics when in Power

Politicians just have to make their money, for this, they use the power of their chair. Because of the powerful politicians already present in politics, the right person who wants to do true service to the people never wins the election. Such powerful leaders win the elections by applying their different and illegal strategies. They do the work of trapping common people in their electoral bluff by distributing things like money, and food items, and due to lack of money, the poor come under their electoral bluff and give them their votes. Later people have to pay this money in the form of their troubles.

The politician who is sitting on the chair of power never wants to lose power and control at any cost.  In such a situation, politicians ask the media to spread fake news by giving money, fake rumours, and false talk.  In this way, due to the wrong message going to the public. Their trust in the leaders of the other party decreases and the path of victory of the wrong ruling leaders becomes stronger. There is a shortage of youth in most political parties because politics has now become just for the rich. That’s why the good and hardworking youth who want to enter politics either due to lack of money or they are not allowed to enter politics based on money.

Even today leaders of old age are present in political parties and they are serving the public. The reality is that he can neither walk properly, write, nor read. The work of such leaders is officers or some educated people follow their orders. Political parties are carrying such people in their party for their interest. Such leaders need to be replaced with potentially younger leaders.


Indian politics is a mixture of good and bad experiences, where a good leader exposes Indian politics with his good image. On the other hand, wrongly electing leaders and doing politics for their gains tarnishes its image. The people here have been given the democratic right in the country to elect the leader of their choice. It is the responsibility of the Election Commission to ensure that the country conducts elections rationally or fairly so that the progress and progress of the country can be fully possible.

The players of party and deceitful politics have to understand that teachers and students are against corruption, feudalism, and ostentation, will not give the name of socialism to luxuries etc. and will not tolerate tampering with education by anti-social elements in the name of politics. In this way, only when the interference of politics in education ends, the student of India will be able to become a scholar of the philosophy of practical politics, a guide, a facilitator, a revolutionary and a leader of society. Therefore, the relationship between students and politics needs revival. If seen in the true-sense, politics is both good and bad, but to make it right, we all have to do something. Which will happen when we all vote for the right politician and make him victorious.

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