23 Indian Laws that Every Citizen Must Know!
23 Indian Laws every Indian citizen must know to protect themselves from being exploited and punish the offender.
- A woman can not be arrested in absence of a Female Police Officer. Only in cases of serious crimes, a written order from the magistrate is required to arrest the woman even in the absence of a female officer.
- A woman can only be arrested after sunrise and before sunset i.e. she can not be arrested between 6:00PM to 6:00AM.
- No hotel can prohibit you from using the washroom and deny you from drinking potable water.
- A traffic police incharge can not snatch the car or motorcycle key from you, it is illegal. A legal proceeding can be initiated against him.
- Live-In relationship is not illegal, if both the adults want to. A child born out of such a relationship is a legal child, and has the right on its parents property.
- A police officer is always on duty, he can never be off duty even if he is not in uniform.
- If a pregnant woman is fired from her work place for the reason of her pregnancy, such an act is punishable with imprisonment upto three months and fine.
- A Tax Collection Officer has the power to arrest a person, in case of tax violation but a prior notice is to be given before the arrest. It is only the officer who decides as to how long the person will stay in custody.
- If a gas cylinder blasts while cooking food, and causes a loss of life or damage to property the victims are entitled to receive a compensation upto 50 lakhs.
- Receiving a gift from a company on the occasion of a festival, might fall under bribery.
- Once a person is fined for a crime related to vehicle offences, he/she can not be fined for the same offence on the same day again.
- A product can not be sold for more than the printed price by any shopkeeper.
- If one is not paid at his/her office, they have a right to file a FIR against it within 3 years.
- Involvement in an obscene activity at a public place, may cost you an imprisonment for 3 months.
- If a Hindu person has a living son or grandson, he can not adopt a second child.
- There needs to be a gap of 21 years between the adopter and the adopted child.
- A single male can not adopt a girl child.
- If living on rent in Delhi, the landlord needs to give a prior notice rather than forcefully vacating the house.
- A police officer can not refuse to lodge FIR, and if he does, such an act is punishable with imprisonment for 6 months to 1 year.
- In case of DUI (Driving under the influence of alcohol), if the blood alcohol content of the driver goes above 30mg per 100 ml, he/she can be arrested immediately without a warrant.
- A rape victim can make her statement to the district magistrate in private.
- Free legal aid must be provided by the government to those who can not afford a lawyer.
- Person arrested for a cognizable offence needs to be presented before the magistrate within 24 hours, failure in doing so may result in release of the arrestee.
These are few Indian laws that every citizen living in India must be aware of.
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