Impact Of Religious Beliefs On Our Society

Impact Of Religious Beliefs On Our Society

Keywords – Religion, Religious Beliefs. Society & Religion, Spirituality

“Moving Together With A Positive Attitude & Mindset Is A Revolution In Itself and Becomes A Weakness For The Evil” 

What are we, and what do we need for a healthy society?

Around 82–85% of the world’s population is identified by their Culture or Religion, out of  which 45–50% are feared of religion or are forced to follow it, and about15 -18% of the world’s population is agnostic or atheist. The minority people of the world believe in Spirituality,  Mankind, and Humanity. 

The bigger question is;

What is the impact of Religious and Non-Religious practices on us and the society as a whole? 

The origin of religion has always been ineffable. All over the world, various kinds of debates and discussions have taken place between scholars, but the facts are still unclear. If we look at religion in sociological terms, ‘Religion is a system of sacred belief of faith & purity to admire the God for wellness in prayers in the tangible and intangible form’. The Foundation of Christianity, Islam & Hinduism was spiritually-beautiful! It has different ways to worship GOD.  Explanation & messages in those respective Holy books is the same, be it the BIBLE,  BHAGVAD GITA & QURAN’. We all should understand those messages, it says: – 


“I am always in nature because you cannot survive without Air, Water, Sun & Natural Resources, but you have to maintain the ‘MANKIND, HUMANITY & SPIRITUALITY’ among society.” God is saying to all, that I am there within you to guide you on the right path to follow.

Your decision and karma will decide your destiny and fate. You cannot find God in any mosque, church, or temple that has man-made monuments only. During that moment, we may search for  peace there but the real power and peace are within the connection of faith in humanity, mankind, prayer, chants, and hymns that comes from your heart, mind & soul, that connection will create a spiritual and unleashed bond with your belief in God. 

This is the true relation with the Mankind, religion is a foundation of freedom that is, having Spirituality and Humanity. But the bitter and dark truth is that this subdivision of religious groups destructs peace and humanity to rule over on the purity of Mankind. And those who follow the path of the respective holy books are called as non-religious agnostic or atheist. Spreading the myth and inducing in people the fear of God to run their businesses.  

Subdivisions Of Religious Groups

The Real Threat To Our Society

Based on our birth, we get divided into 3 major religious groups Christianity, Islam, or  Hinduism, and then the further subdivision of the respective religious groups. Those subdivisions of groups got established due to the different opinions of ancient followers of God (Known as  Mulanis, Gurus, or Priests, etc.). On those mythological bases, Humanity & Mankind got divided and we started to believe in the various kinds of beliefs and myths created 1000’s of years back to reform our civilized society. Those beliefs are important for our civilized society today also, but to some limited extent. 

But the dark reality of those subdivisions is that, they control their followers in the name of love of god, faith, belief, and if required – fear. These religious and powerful groups are taking advantage of it and flourishing their businesses. For their benefit, those groups go to any extent and in the name of religion, we all have witnessed brutal crimes and acts all over the world against innocent people, “history itself a proof of it”. In the modern 21st century, some religious and powerful groups are targeting major undeveloped rural areas to form their terrorist or criminal groups. 

THOSE KINDS OF RELIGIOUS ACTS OR GROUPS ARE A CURSE & POISON  FOR OUR SOCIETY, SPECIALLY FOR OUR YOUTH & CHILDREN. But how much do we think or helping those people and educating them to save them from “THOSE EVIL &  TERROR GROUPS”? Just a handful of the population of the entire world tries to do something about it but even they cannot actually do much, again the reason is the combination of ‘EVIL RELIGION GROUPS  WORKING WITH POWERFUL GROUPS’. The major population runs behind materialistic greed, technology, social show off kind of religious practices but ignoring the fact of becoming self-destructive.  

Moving Together With A Positive Attitude & Mindset Is A Revolution In Itself and Becomes A Weakness For The Evil

We wonder fail to find out as to what we can do, because they are powerful but remember one thing, It doesn’t matter if you are Religious, Agnostic, Atheist or not, just don’t let Humanity, Mankind or your Spiritual soul die in you. Those who worship God they don’t have to go to any religious places and institutes.

Stop donating to their funds that will impact their multi-national businesses. According  to sociological facts and beliefs Lord Shiva, Jesus Christ, and Allah have struggled in their life to  unite the world with Humanity, Mankind & Spirituality. Are you really respecting those  sacrifices made by your respective God? They have not created a group or division, among us.  We all want a peaceful society, not a sub-division, superstitious kind of toxic religion.  

Are we following the right path and true religion?

People can travel and spend their hard-earned money to visit respected religious places, donating  directly or indirectly to their businesses. (Excluding those organizations or religious groups who  actually help the needy people) Out of those, how many think or save that expense or that budget  to help those needy people to give them the right direction, knowledge, and education, providing  them with the food and most important thing is “SAVING THOSE kinds OF EVIL GROUP” and harming own civilized society indirectly.  

Learn something good in those respective religious places, the valuable things, and lessons  that are essential for humanity & society. It is free of cost. We get food & water at those  places. Why do they provide the food and water while making all sit together?  

Those organizations or groups have the motive to teach everyone the Humanity and Mankind  amongst all.

1. Do not discriminate against the person sitting next to you and kill that illness of having  priority, or complexity in your thoughts. Whosoever next to you is his/her karma, rich or poor  low standard that doesn’t matter. Remember one thing The people around you need the same  water and food for survival. You all are equal in the eye of God.  

2. Respect the food you are eating, see the people around you, and think before wasting the food.  Give someone to eat if you are not hungry, as somewhere someone is starving for food.  

3. Most importantly you are respecting the water and treating it like holy water. Do not forget  that water from where that water is coming and giving relief to your thirsty throat. Do not forget  this water belongs to the same pond or river, and be thankful for nature. So stop polluting the  water.  

Think deeply about what we need to give our children and our society. What kind of guidance is  needed around you, to save humanity with your kindness?

Humanity is not only the biggest but also the greatest of all religions around the world. When  you can’t be good to those with whom you meet, eat, and talk (HUMANS), how can you be  truthful to yourself and any religion? Every religion whether it’s Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, or  Christian, every religion teaches HUMANITY. Same as we learn in respective Holy books but  somewhere in the confusion of religious mythological subdivision groups and busy lifestyles, we  are harming our life, future, and society. There is no use in praying and worshipping when in the  end anyone is unhuman and not giving respect to others.  

Globally Proven Facts with stats With Regards To Religion

Survey report based on the citizens of top 5 countries believing in Humanity, Mankind, Spirituality & Religion 

The countries like Japan known for being the world’s most advanced and technical country  believes in a spiritual connection with God, giving importance to development on the bases of  Mankind, and educating their citizens on the bases of humanity and innovation. Citizens of these countries are not forced or scared to follow any kind of religion. Foundation is based on  respecting God, and they worship nature i.e., the true heaven on earth.  

Stats based on the citizens giving importance to following the division or  subdivision of religious groups in their respective countries. 

According to the stats in middle south-east countries, citizens are giving more importance to  religion, for a long time the major population of this part of the world is still struggling, and the  per capita income is below the living standard. People are living in fear of God, religion, and the  mythological world. India and America are lands of multi-religious and colorful cultures, but why is India ranking 136th and America 19th out of 195 countries on the list of the world’s  happiest countries? The reason is to give importance to the orthodox, superstitious kind of beliefs that causes conflicts among the citizens of the country. That is against development, progress, innovation, and Mankind.  

The studies of great authors, scholars, and professors of psychology define that any religious group which is not the equality and kind amongst people is a curse to our society.  

For example 

Whosoever is teaching you about the religion or telling you that their religious group gives you peace, then ask them a few questions: – 

  1. What is the meaning of true heaven, where I can find my kind of heaven in your reliction?
  2. Where is the existence of God?    
  3. Your religion can bring humanity amongst the cruelty, and why do you need a war  to define the priority of your beliefs?  

The Choices, decisions, and karma made by any individual leave an impression that impacts  society. Take those steps wisely because the thoughts can be of any kind, do not forget the beautiful world around you and protect nature and humanity.

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