Impact of Entertainment Industry In Mitigating Barriers & Uniting the world

Impact of Entertainment Industry In Mitigating Barriers & Uniting the world

keywords – Entertainment industry, racism, racial barriers, diversity, integration


The entertainment industry has played a significant role in spreading awareness in society and Many times, an unknown person on the screen teaches us the  lesson of a lifetime. Entertainment industry has also played an important role in mitigating racial barriers 

Entertainment means joyful moments that every human needs to energize their hormones and  for the stability of the mind. The stressful and overelaborate schedule in daily proceedings  soaks the energy level of human productivity. Energizing the mind again and taking a break  from occupancy ‘entertainment’ is the only way; that realizes the endorphin chemical reactions  in the human brain in pleasure, and those reactions in the brain energize your sensory neurons  with the specialized nerve that boosts your energy. Those positive reactions produce  positivity, and bright thoughts can bring remarkable positivity to the world. 

Have you ever thought with those acts, ‘what do you absorb and deliver to your society that mitigates the regional barriers & what source of entertainment  teaches you the life lesson’? 

Entertainment & Life Lessons

Entertainment industries play a significant role in every society, but it depends on every  individual which direction to follow. Be it cinematic programs, live sports broadcasting, live  events or concerts, music, animated gaming (especially for the younger generation), apps and  traveling. All those hobbies impact every individual’s thought process, bringing changes in  themselves, orthodox perceptions, views & thoughts of society, and mitigating the regional  barriers. 

Sensitive points to consider 

The cinematic creators acknowledge their responsibilities and get more responsible in  delivering the content in their stories to their audiences in their movies, web series, or daily  episodes. Today’s generation is sharper and more intelligent, and the government or the  sensor board (especially the Indian censor board) should not ban sensitive content that gives  ‘clarity about the flaws or blunders that have happened in the specific past’.

Negative and  positive pasts should get revealed for the awareness among the citizens of India and the world. Flaws of society, religion, or government are crucial to be exposed creatively for  improvement and to deliver a meaningful message. Censor boards, Authorities-in-charge and the government should acknowledge those sensitive messages to be passed, and every citizen should  also understand the value of those cinematic shows to mitigate the regional barriers.

The animated gaming industry needs to think more responsibly and keep checking the  impact on the gamer, ‘especially the youth gamer’. The government should also keep an eye  on the gaming programming companies and consider what kind of online and Xbox games  are getting launched and available in their respective countries. Animated games on laptops,  smart tv or mobile are becoming a sort of entertainment in the global digitalized world.  Gamers communicate with other online gamers, making friends and understanding each  other’s communities, which is a positive sign. 

Importance of Cinema 

The most common entertainment source among the human species, cinema is a part of every  human life. Many times, web series, movies, live shows and ongoing trends of creative  creations in the cinemas introduce our deep emotions and the facts of our own life. Viewers  must have seen some remarkable acts during the show available on OTT and regular TV  channels. While watching those commendable shows or movies, the viewers seep or get  engrossed in their natural acting skills.

Some philosophical messages through cinema make us  understand the flaws of our society, and regional & culturally based movies like, Oh My  God & 3 idiots try to deliver the message to the society. A legendary actor Silvester Stallone  has given a very inspirational, motivational & big message to the world in one of his  greatest movies of all time, ROCKY IV. After the final sequel of the America vs Russia boxing  match in the movie, a legendary epic inspirational speech by Mr. Stallone against racism is remarkable. 

Addressing “everybody can change, and two men beating each other during the  boxing match is worth it; to save the millions of killings during a war and hatred  between two countries.” 

Live broadcast of a sports events 

Any sport in the world is very respectful, be it football, cricket, tennis, or any game. During the  live broadcast, the sportsperson performing live in front of millions gets nervous sometimes,  but they raise their performance with the support of their team members & the belief of  their fans. With that event, we all go through lots of emotions with our heroes. That gives a live example of – teamwork, sportsman spirits & respect among the opposing team.  Standing for each other in winning or losing, and unity among the different religions performing for their nation. Biggest rivalry between the two neighboring countries’  governments and politicians also applauds the performance of both teams.  

But why are those admirable values limited to sports events only? Where do those valuable teachings vanish away; when the bureaucrats, politicians, or diplomats play dirty games for their profits? 

Indian and other countries’ citizens need to have a clear mind and understand that  growth is in peace and unity. Our true heroes teach us, ‘united we rise’ and  racism divides humanity. Performance of a player not being judged on their caste  or religion, unitedly India rises in any sport, then why not in daily routine life? 

Music: unites the world & free from racism  

The truth of life lies in music, it has its language to unite the world: it is free from any toxic  discrimination act of racism and toxins of human boundaries. Music is true freedom, which  goes beyond the borders to express the deep emotions, values & views of the people living  across the borders. It makes the human species realize that everybody understands the  language of love and peace. 

It is not just entertainment, the rhythm of music and lyrics sometimes travel through  your heart veins to your mind, and the mind dives into those lyrics. Live music  concerts and music festivals kinds of events unite various cultures at a venue to  enjoy the freedom, purity & unity of music with humanity. 

YouTube, the new source & related to traveling: that mitigates racial  barriers 

Holidays and traveling are full of excitement and thrills, and before proceeding the tour  traveler often ends its queries about the selected places by surfing on YouTube. YouTubers make  video blogs to share their journey experiences and introduce their viewers to unexplored places  in detail, which motivates a viewer more to visit those places to be a part of the particular place  and get introduced to the different colors of the world.  

Traveling introduces the experience of exploring our undiscovered nature of knowing  different cultures face-to-face by talking with the localities of a particular region. That  makes us realize that those people have the same thought process, which minimizes racial  barriers. Some incidents leave remarkable experiences in life. “Those memorable experiences during the holidays leave a remarkable memory  in the heart and the taste of knowing different places or cultures of my own.”

We all should appreciate the work of the entertainment industry that makes  us realize our unknown hidden talents and sometimes silently play their role  in uniting the people. The legends of the industry, known actors & the entire  production team are spreading joy and entertaining their fans. They work  hard and add a worthwhile awareness to society. 

Live Broadcasting

Broadcasters who provide live broadcasting during sports events or any live  concert also play their part very well. The unity during those events triggers  emotions and respect among the citizens making the nation united during  those events. YouTube channels are spreading awareness and lots of exposure  around us. 

We all experience those emotions but do we apply those lessons in real life and learn them  hard? Everybody needs to ask those questions from their honest heart and soul, what are you  delivering to your society?  

Your actions and decisions reflect your real personality. Try to open up your  heart to talk with other people. They are the same, peace-loving people and always look for development. Some evil souls are making the world, trying to divide and rule, but the unity  among the different regional people will bury the racism and those evil souls. 

 Author – Ankur Verma

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