How to Combat Corruption? Removing Obstacles to the Development of the Country?
Keywords:- Corruption, Government, Citizen, Combat Corruption, Economy, Country
Author: Ashi Dubey
There are many problems in a secular country becoming developed. Corruption is one of the biggest hurdles in a country’s low GDP. Every problem has a solution. To reduce corruption we are trying to keep ourselves aware of these mischievous activities and know how to fight against them. It is not easy to remove corruption rapidly. It is a time taking process. We need to be patient and try to cooperate with those who think about the welfare of our country. To increase the GDP of our country is not the work of only one person. It is only achieved by the support of the entire population with real determination.
To combat corruption, first, you need to understand what is corruption?
Corruption is something which is done by people in power or people who are dishonest. They are always ready to do fraudulent activities with poor people, who are not powerful.
Before independence or after some years of independence every political leader and most of the powerful people were very honest. That they did not even think to harm or to do fraud common people. They were always trying to think about the welfare and development of the nation and the people of the nation. But nowadays corruption is increasing at a very higher rate. Every people somehow is involved in this cheap activity.
Corruption is not only prevailing in politics but it is also seen in our daily life. Like in general stores the shopkeepers try to cheat their customers by selling adulterated products or by giving them less quantity of goods at a higher price. By using unfair means of weighing the product. In places, most corrupt or dishonest people are always ready to harass innocent public who hardly managed their livelihood.
Corruption an Evil
Corruption is the biggest barrier to achieving the growth of the country. It encourages the powerful and elite class of people to loot the money from the poor people for their own sake. Corrupt people pretend to be a patriot but they are real terrorists. Who exploit their country and its people by selling their humanity and honesty for money. They only want their own profit, for which they are always ready to use the lower class. Without caring about the whole development of the country and its economy, they care about themselves.
Corruption is not only done by illiterate people, many notorious businessmen or very educated people are also involved in this cheap activity. People who have money are trying to misuse it like they are trying to bribe some officers for their work. Also, we can see in many cases of a court that if the criminal has a good relationship with a powerful man then he can get out of the prison very easily without any punishment. As the man who is in power also bribes a judge or trying to intimidate him to do the same that he wishes. Along with declining economic growth, corruption also fails our judiciary.
Corruption cannot be finished very soon. It may be reduced by making some efforts like it can be reduced by creating awareness among the public to know their Fundamental Rights. They fight for their rights without any fear of the people in power. If they are exploiting them or we can decrease the rate of corruption by adopting some policies like the abolishment of nepotism, favouritism, looting public money in various wrong ways, etc. If these policies are implemented properly with 100% support of the common people then corruption will definitely decrease very rapidly.
Also in recent years, the government has taken some measures to combat corruption. It plays a very important role in improving the condition of the country’s economy. The Modi Government implemented demonetization to bring out the black money from the accounts of corrupt leaders. Also, they are trying to make many new policies for the betterment of the economy. We can also reduce corruption by taking some strict action against those people who are continuously involved in such activities. Activities like looting public money without any guilt, we can cancel their license. Because we don’t need these kinds of people who don’t want to make their country developed.
They are the real barriers to a country’s development. Poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, and hunger are very small obstacles which are automatically removed. If people don’t involve in the wrong ways to earn profit and don’t exploit their own country’s people. By understanding the value of humanity and honesty people will stay away from corruption.
As responsible citizens of our country, we have to do something for the welfare of our country’s economy because it is our prior responsibility. Because if we don’t raise our voice against these activities, then we are losing opportunities without doing anything. The people who are capable and hardworking don’t get their rights or they aren’t able to fulfil their dreams. Only because they are not powerful and they are allegedly far from their goals. Because they become prey to nepotism.
We are the people of a democratic country and only due to some evils we cannot forget our duties and responsibilities towards our nation. But now by understanding the value of education, we can fight corruption more easily than in the past time. Education is the biggest power that a common man has. Through this, he is able to understand what is right and what is wrong for them. And it will help us to make the right decision.
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